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They attempted to find a way out when the Imperials seal the doors around them. One of the Super Commandos seized Sabine's helmet.
The Rebels later had a new mission to rescue Wookiee prisoners and Sabine was given the task to sabotage the Imperial Transport ship with Chopper's help. After planting their explosives, the rebels retreated on speeder bikes with Sabine igniting the detonator.
While Sabine could be passionate and vengeful towards foes like Tiber Saxon, she chose not to descend to the same level of her enemy at the urging of Bo-Katan.
Resistance Vice Admiral Holdo frequently dyed her hair with chromomites.
While Fenn's Fang fighters attacked the fleet, Sabine and Ezra flew the The Mandalorians succeeded in blowing up the interdictor cruiser, allowing the remaining rebel forces led by Captain Syndulla and General Dodonna to flee to hyperspace.
Once she got a signal, Jarrus ordered them all to take the tower's lift to meet Syndulla on the Later on, Wren along with Orrelios and Bridger participated in a Without seeking Syndulla's permission, Wren and her companions traveled with Spanjaf and Jessa to the planet Sometime later, after stealing food from an Imperial vessel and When Wren was informed that her old friend Janard, who had given her intel on Imperial activity every now and then, had been captured by the Empire, she set out to rescue him as she felt she owed him and was willing to do anything to save him. Sabine also argued with her mother and brother about Gar Saxon's role in murdering the Mandalorian Protectors. Sabine revealed that she had left the Empire and her family due to her guilt at her own role in helping the Empire to build weapons used to subjugate Mandalore.
However, she was still upset with Fenn and the other rebels due to the baggage associated with the Darksaber.In order to avoid the distractions of Chopper Base, Kanan and Ezra took Sabine to train in the wilderness. As Governor Pryce's forces encircled the rebels, Sabine and the others retreated to a defensive position on top of their captured ore crawler. With the aid of Bo-Katan, the rebels and Mandalorians devised a plan to raid They managed to sneak into the hangar but were spotted.
Pursued by Imperial forces, the rebels used starbirds graffiti etched onto the walls to guide them to Ryder's rendezvous point. In order to meet Organa without exposing her secret involvement in the Rebellion, Wren posed as a bounty hunter and "abducted" Organa, separating her from her stormtrooper security detail for the handoff. When Sabine encountered Hondo's Upon exiting the lift, Sabine and Ezra opened fire on several stormtroopers. Seeking to rebuild ties with her family, Sabine elected not to return with Ezra and Kanan to the rebellion. Sabine also told her mother that she and her rebel comrades had come to seek Clan Wren's support for the rebellion. Consumed by her pent-up emotions, Sabine gained the upper hand over Kanan, but did not kill him.After completing her trials, Sabine broke down weeping. Acecombatfan Star Wars 2. Hera replied that there was an increase in Imperial ships above Lothal but could not confirm Thrawn's presence. Together with Rex and Hondo, the recon team traveled to Reklam Station. They later learn of Hera's capture by Imperial Governor Pryce after an attempt to destroy the TIE Defender factory with a Rebel fighter strike force failed.
She rejoined with the crew aboard the Ghost and made a run for it to space. She also further decorated her armor. Sabine's mother also appraised her daughter about the trouble that her actions had brought on her family within Mandalorian society. As Imperial reinforcements return to clear out the stragglers, the group escape thanks to the arrival of a Mandalorian Gauntlet fighter, but Bo-Katan is furious with Sabine for developing a weapon that could go around their protective Mandalorian armor. Sabine then discovered that the deflector core was surrounded by several inactive Sabine and Zeb then loaded the deflector core aboard the The rebels and Saw then became embroiled in an argument over taking Klik-Klak off-world.
When Sabine learned that from Tristan that her mother had planned to trade the Darksaber and her Jedi comrades to Viceroy Saxon, Sabine rushed to the throne room.
The troopers noticed the explosive, but too late to take cover. Her mother Ursa was a member of Death Watch during a time when Mandalore had fallen into chaos after the collapse of the New Mandalorian government, near the end of the Clone Wars. This had the effect of electrocuting a Krykna but it failed to drive the creatures away.
Following a brief skirmish, the rebels headed to the entrance.
When Sabine and Ezra spot a TIE Defender Elite come in to land at the airstrip where several TIE Fighters and TIE Interceptors are parked, Ezra is forced to reveal himself to distract the TIE Pilots and Stormtroopers, alongside Thrawn, Governor Pryce, and the TIE Defender Elite's pilot, while Sabine attempts to highjack the TIE Defender Elite's flight recorder, knowing the data on it would help the Rebellion greatly.
They soon locate a mural of the three members that represent the Force: the Daughter, who represents the Light Side, the Son, who represents the Dark Side, and the Father, who maintains the balance.
Remembering the symbols on the stone Ezra was given by Dume, Ezra uses the Daughter to open the portal into the Temple, while Sabine, drawing off two Stormtroopers who came snooping around, is discovered by the minister in charge of the dig and apprehended, putting the whole dig site on alert as they soon locate Ezra, but he escapes into the portal before it seals, preventing the Imperials from pursuing him.
Watch Queue Queue Daughter and mother continued their conversation over a balcony in private. Saw informed that he had intelligence that the Empire was smuggling something through While Ezra advocated evacuating the civilians aboard the Imperial shuttle in hold 12, Sabine pointed out that the hangar was guarded and proposed using the ship's escape pods. Sabine, Ketsu, and the boy were then picked up by the Following the discovery of Atollon, the Phoenix rebels established a base on the planet called After landing at Chopper Base, Sabine and her fellow rebels met Rex in the command center.
Following a brief skirmish, the rebels headed to the entrance. Mouse over to Zoom-Click to enlarge.