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Jedes Mal sprangen die Rollen aus den Blöcken oder die Trossen und Anker rissen. Eine Vielzahl von Abenteurern und Schatzsuchern aus ganz Europa sprachen beim Reichsrat wegen einer Lizenz vor. During construction both Although the mathematical tools for calculating or predicting stability were still more than a century in the future, and 17th-century scientific ideas about how ships behaved in water were deeply flawed, the people associated with building and sailing ships for the Swedish navy were very much aware of the forces at work and their relationships to each other. Gustavus Adolphus had been sending a steady stream of letters insisting that the ship put to sea as soon as possible.Naval gunnery in the 17th century was still in its infancy. 302–305; for the item catalog, see Dal & Hall Roth, pp. Eventually the entire sterncastle, the high, aft portion of the ship that housed the officers' quarters and held up the transom, gradually collapsed into the mud with all the decorative sculptures. Other accomplished artists, like Hans Clausink, Johan Didrichson Tijsen (or The artistic quality of the sculptures varies considerably, and about four distinct styles can be identified. Was the crew sober? Their discussion and conclusions show very clearly that they knew what had happened, and their verdict was summed up very clearly by one of the captains, who said that the ship did not have enough "belly" to carry the heavy upperworks.Common practice of the time dictated that heavy guns were to be placed on the lower gun deck to decrease the weight on the upper gun deck and improve stability.

Ein Engländer namens Jan Bulmer erhielt die erste Bergungslizenz in Schweden. Au total, plus de quatre cents personnes travaillèrent à la construction du Vasa. They also suited the prevailing tactical thinking within the navy, which emphasised boarding as the decisive moment in a naval battle rather than gunnery. Peckell and Treileben broke up and removed much of the planking of the weather deck to get to the cannons on the decks below. The king, who was leading the army in Poland at the time of her maiden voyage, was impatient to see her take up her station as During the 1961 recovery, thousands of artifacts and the remains of at least 15 people were found in and around During the 17th century, Sweden went from being a sparsely populated, poor, and peripheral northern European kingdom of little influence to one of the The navy suffered several severe setbacks during the 1620s. The last object to be brought up was the nearly 12-metre-long Many of the more recent objects contaminating the site were disregarded when the finds were registered, but some were the remains of the 1660s salvage efforts and others had their own stories to tell. The gun ports on the upper deck were the correct size for 12-pounders, but in the end the ship was finished with the heavy 24-pounders on both decks, and this may have contributed to poor stability.While most of the scientific community considers that the destructive substance responsible for The museum is constantly monitoring the ship for damage caused by decay or warping of the wood.

Nach deren Tod vergab er sie 1656 an ein Syndikat, dem der schottische Taucher Jacob Maule und der schwedische Oberst Hans Albrecht von Treileben angehörte.

Among the best known of these was a statue of 20th-century Finnish runner The use of different measuring systems on either side of the vessel caused its mass to be distributed asymmetrically, heavier to port. In 1625, a squadron cruising in the Until the early 17th century, the Swedish navy was composed primarily of small to medium-sized ships with a single gundeck, normally armed with 12-pounder and smaller cannons; these ships were cheaper than larger ships and were well-suited for escort and patrol. 3 = Constructive total loss11 million at Wasavarvet 1961–88 and 18 million at the permanent museum since 1990. Ongoing research seeks the best way to preserve the ship for future generations and to analyze the existing material as closely as possible. (2002) "Deterioration of the seventeenth-century warship Vasa by internal formation of sulphuric acid", Er barg erfolgreich Kanonen aus den Wracks der Vom Herbst 1957 an spülten Taucher unter Franzéns Leitung zwei Jahre lang sechs Tunnel unter dem Schiff aus. English: The Vasa was the flag ship of the Swedish navy that sank in 1628. The Vasa Museum opened in 1990 and, according to the official web site, is the most visited museum in Scandinavia. 2 = Maiden revenue-earning voyage. Vasa was armed with powerful guns and built with a high stern, which would act as a firing platform in boarding actions for some of the 300 soldiers it was supposed to carry, but the high-sided hull and narrow upper deck were not optimised for boarding. According to testimony by the ship's master, Göran Mattson, Fleming remarked that he wished the king were at home. 39–41; Sandstrom, M., Jalilehvand, F., Persson, I., Gelius, U., Frank, P., Hall Roth, I. The total is based on statistics from the official website of the Vasa Museum: Hocker in Cederlund (2006), pp. Die Vasa war eine schwedische Galeone, die zu den größten und am stärksten bewaffneten Kriegsschiffen ihrer Zeit zählte. Zuerst hatte der Reichsrat die Untersuchung geleitet, ab dem 5. Le Vasa tomba dans l'oubli après la récupération de ses canons, au cours du XVIIe siècle. His grandfather was Gustav I, or Gustav Vasa as he is often called today, the first of the Vasa dynasty. Gleich nach dem Untergang wurden erste Versuche unternommen, das Schiff als Ganzes zu heben. 29–35; Hocker in Cederlund (2006); pp. Als Nichtfachmann vergab er die zwölfjährige Lizenz weiter an Geschäftspartner. Ships were therefore usually fitted with guns of very diverse age and size. Were the guns properly secured?