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In order to give everybody their own rights and also to avoid bloodshed in Kabul, we left the word to the parties so they should decide about the country as a whole. He was a powerful guerilla commander during the resistance against the Soviet occupation between 1979 and 1989. On September 16, the United Front officially announced that Massoud had died of injuries in the suicide attack. The troops should not enter Kabul, they should enter later on as part of the government.We will march into Kabul with our naked sword.

We talked about it for a temporary stage and then after that the ground should be prepared for a general election.A recorded radio communication between the two leaders showed the divide as Massoud asked Hekmatyar: Ahmad Shah was from the Kuz Kunar District of Nangarhar Province. As Minister of Defense, Ahmad Shah Massoud tried to engage the Taliban in talks about democratic elections. Even Afghan soldiers are few and far between. A small US military reconstruction team is based here, but there are none of the signs of foreign occupation that exist elsewhere. Ahmad Shah Masood: Once the Taliban reached Kabul, their slogans were no longer effective. Taliban leaders were not interested, however. 1970 – ca. Hizb-i Islami had bombarded Kabul from January 1994 until February 1995 when the Neighboring Pakistan exerted strong influence over the Taliban. In this time he created the With the defeat of the Soviet-Afghan attacks, Massoud carried out the next phase of his strategic plan, expanding the resistance movement and liberating the northern provinces of Afghanistan. They have one son, Massoud liked reading and had a library of 3,000 books at his home in Panjshir.Massoud's family since his death have had a great deal of prestige in the politics of Afghanistan.

In contrast to the time of chaos in which all structures had collapsed in Kabul, Massoud was able to control most of the troops under his direct command well during the period starting in late 1996.Massoud created democratic institutions which were structured into several committees: political, health, education and economic.In September 2000, Massoud signed the Declaration of the Essential Rights of Afghan Women drafted by Afghan women. But the Taliban exacerbate this with oppression." 1953, Bazarak, Afg.—death reported on Sept. 15, 2001, Takhar, Afg. In at least two known instances, Massoud personally intervened against cases of forced marriage in favour of the women to make their own choice.While it was Massoud's stated personal conviction that men and women are equal and should enjoy the same rights, he also had to deal with Afghan traditions which he said would need a generation or more to overcome. Last night also there was an attack on our checkpoint,” said Ahmad Shah, a police officer in Arghandi. One of his six brothers, War in Kabul and other parts of the country (1992–1996)War in Kabul and other parts of the country (1992–1996)According to his biographer Michael Barry, his exact date of birth was not recorded (M. Barry, Pinto, Maria do Ceu. Massoud was buried in his home village of Massoud had survived assassination attempts over a period of 26 years, including attempts made by al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Pakistani ISI and before them the Soviet KGB, the Afghan communist KHAD and Hekmatyar. p. 72.Anderson, Jon Lee (June 10, 2002). They saw him as a [B]etween Bush's inauguration and 9/11, I met with the new national security staff on 3 occasions, including one meeting with Condoleezza Rice to discuss Afghanistan. Starting in 1980 with a force of less than 1,000 ill-equipped guerrillas, the Panjshir valley mujahideen grew to a 5,000-strong force by 1984.Massoud's military organization was an effective compromise between the traditional Afghan method of warfare and the modern principles of guerrilla warfare which he had learned from the works of The United States provided Massoud with comparatively less support than other factions.The Soviet army and the Afghan communist army were mainly defeated by Massoud and his mujahideen in numerous small engagements between 1984 and 1988.

He put the respite to good use. He says that "the cultural environment of the country suffocates women. The third was to make Kabul an unsafe city for representatives of the international community and to prevent the Rabbani government from attracting the international support needed to begin the post-war reconstruction of Afghanistan and generate a level of economic activity which would enhance its credibility and popularity.By mid-1994, Hekmatyar and Dostum were on the defensive in Kabul against Islamic State forces led by Massoud. Joint councils (Collusions between military leaders quickly brought down the Kabul government. ... Why should we meet the leaders?" As you know, the Taliban had to fight at the gates of Kabul for two years. Iran arrests pro-Taliban supporters who celebrated Eid by waving Taliban flag in Tehran By Ahmad Shah Ghanizada / in Afghanistan / on Monday, 03 Aug 2020 09:29 AM / 0 Comment / 61 views The Iranian authorities arrested a group of Afghans who celebrated Eid al-Adha by waving the flag of Taliban, Islamic Emirate, in a park in Tehran.

But after chairing one cabinet meeting, Hekmatyar never returned to the capital, fearing, perhaps, a Hekmatyar, who was generally opposed to coalition government and struggled for undisputed power, had conflicts with other parties over the selection of cabinet members. Following the rise of the Taliban in 1996, Massoud, who rejected the Taliban's fundamentalist interpretation of Islam,Massoud was posthumously named "National Hero" by the order of President In July 1975, the Muslim Youth, with help from the On April 27, 1978, the PDPA and military units loyal to it killed Daoud Khan, his immediate family, and bodyguards in a violent coup, and seized control of the capital Kabul.Believing that an uprising against the Soviet-backed communists would be supported by the people, Massoud, on July 6, 1979, started an insurrection in the Panjshir, which initially failed.