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The authenticator is fine, you can check the source-code yourself for example with

Just run the Authenticator and press the "MOJANG" button. mcleaks authenticator= thanks for watching. Yes it is! After that you'll be able to login into your normal account again. If you can't login into your normal account, you still have the MCLeaks-Mode enabled! We use this information to enhance the content, advertising and other services available on the site. The MCLeaks-Authenticator is the main software, which is required to use MCLeaks. Don't belive what people falsely claim to make MCLeaks look bad. MCLeaks is free, but we require all users to disable their adblocker. All of our accounts are provided by the specified accounts owners, bought at the original game site or bought from resellers.

It requires administrator permissions on your machine. You can use our accounts very easily once you have downloaded the Already more than one two years we provide you free mc accounts and various other features. A click on the MCLeaks-Button enables MCLeaks-Mode for you anbd a click on the Mojang-Button resets your settings to default. It modifys your local hosts file settings, as well as your local Java certificate keystore, in order to connect to the MCLeaks-network. Best MC alt generator, free mc accounts & mc-clients / client-checker.

then can be used by our users. Download File MCLeaks Authenticator zip Up-4ever and its partners use cookies and similar technology to collect and analyse information about the users of this website. So many people are falsely claiming that our service is "illegal" or against some type of EULA, which is simply not true. We never give out any private information, our system just gives out "access-tokens" which In this mode you will NEVER be able to login into your normal mc-account, please do not try using your normal account in this mode, this mode is for MCLeaks-Alts only! Free mc premium accounts. Just reboot your mc or try using another alt, this is a connection side issue. Don't panic, nobody has …