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In this scenario, the What happens after that is even more speculative but, eventually, even the Interestingly, recent analyses from the WMAP satellite and the Cosmic Background Imager, seem to be confirming other recent observations indicating that the

The "big rip" theory suggests that rapid expansion could cause the universe to tear apart.

Dieses Szenario wurde im Jahr 2003 entwickelt und hat einiges mit der dunklen Energie zu tun: Wir befinden uns heute in einem sich ausdehnenden Universum, das können Astronomen relativ leicht mit Entfernungsmessungen zu anderen Galaxien nachweisen.

Previous models had confusing results, with one even suggesting that fluids would travel faster than the speed of light.The new evidence suggests that the expansion of the universe will eventually become infinite.

While the Big Freeze can take place if the forces that are believed to govern the current rate of expansion are constant, the Big Rip will happen if the forces that favor expansion are further increased. If the ratio of the dark energy pressure to its energy density, its equation of state, has a value less than -1, the Universe ends in a Big Rip.

Previous models largely ignored viscosity, but in Disconzi's hypothesis it is viscosity of the universe that drives its violent destruction.

My apologies.

Clearly, further advances in fundamental physics are required before it will be possible to know the ultimate fate of the universe with any level of certainty.

Clear answers for common questions Big Rip Das große Zerreißen. The current scientific community is being coerced by mental midgets. Under that model, time becomes an endless void in which nothing ever happens as there is little to no energy left in the universe.Alternatively we could be headed for the Big Crunch, when the expansion of the universe slows to a crawl and the Big Bang happens in reverse as everything implodes back into a singularity. The physicists who know of 'what I speak' need to rise up. Welcome to WIRED UK.

So-called cosmological viscosity is different to the viscosity of something like ketchup, which is measured by how quickly a liquid can move through a small opening.Disconzi linked his theory of cosmological viscosity to the Big Rip, which was first hypothesised in 2003, by looking at what happens to the motion of fluids in supernovae and neutron stars.

Der Big Rip ist die jüngste der 3 Theorien und stellt das wohl dramatischste Ende für das Universum dar.

It made a bit of a splash back a few years ago, and the media ran with it. The supposition relies on two big leaps about the behaviour of dark energy now and in the distant future.

Has anyone here heard about the Big Rip Theory? For a Big Rip to occur, dark energy must win in its battle with gravity to such a point where it can rip apart individual atoms.The Big Rip, if it does happen, will destroy the universe 22 billion years from nowHe began by looking at the stickiness of the universe -- or how resistant it is to expansion and contraction. How we can fix the world's failing healthcare systemsInside the online disinformation war trying to tear Sweden apartKilling the leap year is the only way to fix our broken calendar Chronos posted when the thread still had its original title.Joe, this is just a side comment: look at the DATES on the material that George just gave you links to. Joe L. OfanI changed the title of the thread from "Big Hit Theory" to "Big Rip Theory". Happy trails, folks. The "big rip" is one theoretical way in which the universe may come to an end, depending on its total density, which is difficult to determine.

And, typical of mainstream media, they made way more out of it, and implied it was a serious theory...which it was not.The Big Rip is an extreme scenario that supersedes that of a Big Freeze. The Big Rip is a cosmological hypothesis first published in 2003, which proposes the possibility of dark energy accelerating, and consequently the universe expanding, without limit. Both of them are possible consequences of an ever expanding universe. This force is generally referred to as "Once the idea of dark energy was established, then a question was raised regarding how the acceleration of the universe will play out over time. I also know that the universe is not expanding and the 'big bang' concept is totally wrong.

However, scientists generally agree that this fate will depend on three things: the universes overall shape or geometry, on how much dark energy it contains, and on the so-called equation of state (which essentially determines how the density of the dark energy responds to the expan…