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Besides a glass cockpit based on the Honeywell Primus 1000 EFIS avionics suite, the XLS featured the upgraded PW545B engines with increased performance. The external compartment provides 80 cubic feet of storage space, along with 10 additional cubic feet in an internal cabinet.The Cessna Citation XLS+ is equipped with Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 avionics, which combine flat panels, liquid crystal displays for pilots and co-pilots.This avionics pathway provides weather navigation systems, airport diagrams, detailed flight status data, checklists, diagnostic systems, and is immediately in the line of sight of the crew. For more information, please visit our
Jet Aircraft. The Citation XLS is powered by two Pratt & Whitney PW545B engines with 3,975 pounds of thrust, and a Honeywell Primus 1000 EFIS avionics suite upgrades from the Citation Excel panel. It can take off on runways as short as 3,500 feet. Crews will feel confident flying this jet with weather and navigation systems, detailed flight status and diagnostics systems, all in direct line of sight. An additional power system is put to switch on the engine and also preserve cabin temperature level.Citation XLS+ is practically a medium sized jet that has a cabin size of 18.7 feet and also can fly up to 1,858 nautical miles. The engines compress and heat the air killing pathogens and germs. Rest assured your whole team can fly in comfort and arrive closer to your destination, allowing you to spend less time traveling and more time at the job site or with your customer.This aircraft features a Fresh Air System to keep cabin air clean. Cessna Citation XLS+ is the current version of Citation XL (Excel) or called the 560XL model. PRO LINE 21 OUTPERFORMS • Dual 8x10-inch primary flight displays • … Citation XLS+ combines cross-continent coverage, first class cabin comfort for up to 9 passengers and exceptional performance efficiency in medium jets. This site uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. The XLS can reach a range of 1,941 miles (1,687 nautical miles) with four passengers. Mirroring craftsmanship from worlds past, subtle fabric textures and classic neutrals replicate the details in hand thrown pottery.An effortless take on a contemporary color scheme, French Roast bestows warmth and high style to its passengers.Commanding attention with a strong palette, the Jet Black Interior Collection sports the tailored look of luxurious black leather, contrast stitching details, and refined patterns.A cool toned textile palette of platinum silks and specialty leathers is juxtaposed with the lustrous warmth of Honduran mahogany wood veneer.Inspired by organic, heathered, and earthy textures, the fabrics pair with a duo of rich leathers to ensure a timeless palette.Can't find what you are looking for? Transitioning to a two-crew aircraft
For Sale Price: Call . aircraft using the same commands that are displayed on the attitude director indicator. Description. A closer look at the Citation XLS+ The Citation XLS was the first "makeover" that the Excel received, with deliveries beginning in 2004. The Citation Excel is technically a mid-sized jet, with a cabin length of 18.7 feet and it a range of up to 1,907 miles – but it can take off in 3,590 feet and climb to cruising altitude in just 18 minutes, performance statistics similar to light private jets. This thorough long-term weather detection system offers sharp situational recognition for both pilots and pilots.The 5.7-foot Citation XLS+ cabin suits 9 passengers. Details such as folding tables, sliding headrests and seats two to four inches wider than the previous model make it comfortable to fly. The material contained on this site is to be used for training purposes only. The XLS+ has the Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 system, with four brighter screens. In May 2009, 2 Citation XLS+ business jets were sent to Lufthansa as well as were the first shipment of versions to European customers.Cessna handed over the Citation XLS+ Quote to Algeria’s Etablissement National de la Navigation Aérienne (ENNA) in November 2009.Cessna claimed that the XLS Citation is the best-selling business jet design on the planet with an around the world fleet of almost 680 aircraft that tapes greater than 1.5 million flight hrs and more than 160 XLS have been sent to Europe. The slanted control panel and four eight-by-ten inch sloping screens reveal trip information in easy as well as clear analyses.Citation XLS+ is additionally outfitted with the XM WX Satellite Climate Data Solution attribute that will certainly give immediate, accurate and also up-to-date weather condition details for flight paths. 18 Results Found | This Page: 1 of 1. The best-selling model of the best-selling brand, the CESSNA CITATION XLS+ aircraft combines transcontinental range and remarkable efficiency in a beautiful midsize jet. Financial Calculator. Double line chevrons are located at each 1000 foot increment. The Citation XLS is technically a mid-sized jet – its cabin length is 18.7 feet and it can fly up to 1,961 miles (1,704 nautical miles); however, it can also take off in 3,500 feet and climb to cruise altitude in just 18 minutes, performance statistics reminiscent of light private jets. This comprehensive long-term weather detection system provides sharp situational awareness for both pilots and pilots.The price of the latest Cessna Citation XLS+ is around US $ 13 Million. © Airplanes Daily Cessna Citation XLS+ Interior, Cockpit, Specs, and Rate Announced in October 1994, it first flew on February 29, 1996, certification was granted in April 1998 and over 900 have been delivered. The XLS+ features PW545C engines that improve its normal cruise speed to 429kts and its maximum range to 1,979 nm.Both jets have a maximum operating ceiling of 45,000ft.