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This is where we recognise the difference they make.We empower all our people, by respecting and valuing what makes them different.The senior Naval staff use their wealth of experience to oversee all aspects of the Royal Navy’s activities, from operations and administration to personnel and logistics.Whether it be in the heat of the desert or ice of the Antarctic, we are ready for action in the most extreme environments on earth.Exercise Joint Warrior is the largest military exercise in Europe, bringing together the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the British Army, as well as forces from other nations.We have been on patrol in the Gulf since 1980, demonstrating the UK’s commitment to peace and stability.Protecting the British fishing industry and safeguarding the nation's fishing stocks.Navy X gets new technology off the drawing board and into the hands of our people on operations at a pace that has not been possible before.Whether it’s dealing with the demands of deployment or the rigours of relocation, we make sure that the family and friends of Naval Service personnel have all the help, guidance and support they need, every day.Connect with like-minded people and develop a peer-to-peer support network both online and at community centres.Discover the key services available to serving personnel and access the Defence Gateway, where you can contact a range of external organisations.See how Naval Service Family and People Support (NS FPS) can help you with anything from coping with deployment to relocating.Find out how you can cope with the challenges of deployment using an array of support services, tools and initiatives.Learn about the different types of accommodation available through the Royal Navy and find an option that meets your needs.Access dedicated veterans charities and get all the support you need, from help with any mental health issues to financial advice.Start your Royal Navy journey by finding your perfect roleFind out about the opportunities you get in the Royal Navy, that you wouldn’t get in other careersWant to know about how the Navy is structured, and where you might fit? 4 vest (front and back views) Programs exist to ensure the Army is suitably equipped for both current conflicts and expected future conflicts, with any shortcomings in equipment addressed as In addition to the weapons above, several foreign weapons and former British service weapons are held as non service pattern light weapons (NSPLW) in order to conduct familiarisation and/or usage training, obtain data on and demonstrate weapon characteristics and performance, make comparisons to current British service weapons, and test items such as ammunition and ancillary equipment.Many soldiers are now equipped with the new Virtus helmet (Revision Batlskin Cobra PlusPrior to this, the standard helmet in service was the The British Army utilises three combat body armour systems. Exercise Joint Warrior is the largest military exercise in Europe, bringing together the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the British Army, as well as forces from other nations. Exercise Joint Warrior is the largest military exercise in Europe, bringing together the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the British Army, as well as forces from other nations. see also List of World War II military vehicles by country, United Kingdom. Page. There are a total of [ 12 ] Active British Navy Ships (2020) entries in the Military Factory. Find out more about them here.From the Vanguard-class ballistic submarine to the formidable HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier, our equipment is among the best in the world. The British Army relies on a collection of modern guns and related weapons when equipping its infantry. The first layer is a pair of underwear shorts manufactured from scientifically-tested ballistic silk material. Content is subject to change. The handing over of the C vehicle fleet to a PFI has improved overall efficiency, with ALC selecting common chassis for multiple roles and significantly reducing equipment types. Gerald R. Ford Class Aircraft Carrier. Forms part of the Gibraltar Squadron.Permanently based in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. Or have a friend or loved one who is? The vest also features a quick-release mechanism to aid safe extraction from hazardous situations such as burning vehicles or drowning and a dynamic weight distribution system which, when linked to a soldier's waist belt, aids in spreading the soldier's load across the back, shoulders, and hips; a mechanism in the small of the back allows the wearer to adjust the weight bias depending on the situation.Ancillary to regular body armour is a three-tier pelvic armour system issued since 2010 to mitigate against the effects of blasts, including shrapnel. This is where we recognise the difference they make.We empower all our people, by respecting and valuing what makes them different.The senior Naval staff use their wealth of experience to oversee all aspects of the Royal Navy’s activities, from operations and administration to personnel and logistics.Whether it be in the heat of the desert or ice of the Antarctic, we are ready for action in the most extreme environments on earth.Exercise Joint Warrior is the largest military exercise in Europe, bringing together the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force and the British Army, as well as forces from other nations.We have been on patrol in the Gulf since 1980, demonstrating the UK’s commitment to peace and stability.Protecting the British fishing industry and safeguarding the nation's fishing stocks.Navy X gets new technology off the drawing board and into the hands of our people on operations at a pace that has not been possible before.Whether it’s dealing with the demands of deployment or the rigours of relocation, we make sure that the family and friends of Naval Service personnel have all the help, guidance and support they need, every day.Connect with like-minded people and develop a peer-to-peer support network both online and at community centres.Discover the key services available to serving personnel and access the Defence Gateway, where you can contact a range of external organisations.See how Naval Service Family and People Support (NS FPS) can help you with anything from coping with deployment to relocating.Find out how you can cope with the challenges of deployment using an array of support services, tools and initiatives.Learn about the different types of accommodation available through the Royal Navy and find an option that meets your needs.Access dedicated veterans charities and get all the support you need, from help with any mental health issues to financial advice.Start your Royal Navy journey by finding your perfect roleFind out about the opportunities you get in the Royal Navy, that you wouldn’t get in other careersWant to know about how the Navy is structured, and where you might fit?