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She claimed that, in the heat of the moment, she hadn't noticed whether it was a male or female nurse. (This startled the present day Mycroft, who was seeing this in his own Mind Palace) As a young child, she taught Sherlock the violin, successfully orchestrated the entrapment and drowning of Victor Trevor that went unsolved for decades, utilized ciphers, and was able to manipulate people to the point of enslavement since the age of 5. Of all the Holmes siblings, Eurus was the most clever. Mycroft se refería a ella como \"el otro\". Moriarty's prediction on Sherlock'll kill himself has nothing to do with his intelligence. She had extraordinary abilities that couldn’t exist within a person right now. 1 in G minor from just the first chord and remarked that he didn't understand it. Mycroft deutet zwar ab und zu an, dass es ein weiteres Holmes Kind gibt, jedoch erfährt man erst am Ende von Bereits in jungen Jahren zeigt Eurus deutlich erweiterte Kognitive und deduktive Fähigkeiten. Eurus was heavily fictionalized. Eurus rehusó revelar dónde estaba y expresó sus emociones con la situación mediante una canción. Eurus once noted that she used her manipulation skills to get a nurse to have sex with her. Because of her attachment to Sherlock, Eurus took special notice of Jim Moriarty's own interest with Sherlock, requesting to Mycroft that, as a 'Christmas treat', she wanted an unsupervised conversation with Moriarty for five minutes in exchange for a consultation to her insight. Good and bad are fairy tales. Though Mycroft holds the responsibility of institutionalizing her at Sherrinford since being a child, Eurus does not seem to hold any profound ill-feelings towards Mycroft about that. Eurus Holmes is the secondary antagonist of the BBC series Sherlock. Good isn't really good, evil isn't really wrong, and bottoms aren't really pretty. By the end of episode, she seems to have become a different person, due to seemingly being able to feel emotion. Elle a 1 an de moins que Sherlock et 8 de moins que Mycroft.Elle est la plus intelligente de la famille Holmes. After being comforted by Sherlock and saving Watson, she is sent back to Sherrinford, where she doesn't seem to make any conversation besides playing duets with Sherlock. A part of Eurus, however, is aware of the wrongdoing of her actions but, like the child helpless on the malfunctioning plane that she experiences herself to be, Eurus has no idea how to behave differently than how she already is, much less succeed or even progress in that area. Eurus lacks typical normal human feeling, but she watches and reads the emotional reactions and emotional states of others, manipulating them to her favour in order to better understand an individual, or, for Eurus to feel something about what she's doing. According to Mycroft, Eurus seemed to be able to perceive truth beyond both the normal scope and even his own, such as how Eurus during their childhood together once remarked on how funny her older brother looked as an adult. My guess is that Eurus was too enjoying playing the two Holmes and Watson that she forgot to consider the unpredictable move made by Sherlock. After the culmination of her game with Sherlock at their childhood home of Musgrave Manor, Eurus became uncommunicative and was described by Mycroft as having "passed beyond our view". She shows that all it needed was Sherlock's compassion, and that the experiments were to see things about emotional context. For all of her genius, Eurus' 'cleverness' is undermined by her psychosis stemming from her perpetual feelings of extreme isolation due to her very exceptional but singular genius. " There's no such thing as bad. Elle jouait avec ses frères et aimait chanter le même poème, "The East Wind".Mais … Mycroft explained to John and Sherlock in 'The Final Problem'. On Mycroft, Eurus held her eldest brother with seemingly no regard beyond being one of the two most important attachments to Sherlock, the other being John Watson. „ ~ Eurus Holmes. She is the first most intelligent human on Earth. Eurus was especially focused on reading human interactions and fluently understood emotional reactions and the person's subsequent fluctuating emotional state, undoubtedly the root of her gift of manipulating anyone she talks to and her drive of subjecting Sherlock, Mycroft, and John to the emotional trials of her game. However, she still seems reachable, reacting to Sherlock's playing the violin and being able to effortlessly copy his played melody.

Eurus Holmes es la tercera hija del matrimonio entre el señor y la señora Holmes, ocho años más joven que Mycroft y uno más joven que Sherlock. As a young child, she lacked emotion and seemingly the ability to distinguish her own pain, cutting open her arm because she wanted to see how her muscles worked. Eurus Holmes is the third child and only daughter of One day, while playing with Sherlock, Mycroft and Redbeard, Eurus displays signs of loneliness and so she decides to kill Redbeard, who is later revealed not to be a dog, but Sherlock's best friend Eurus is sent to the maximum-security psychiatric prison, Sherrinford, after she burns down Musgrave, the Holmes' family mansion by her uncle In "The Final Problem", Eurus, having already had the whole institution of Sherrinford at her mercy, plays "games" with Mycroft, Sherlock, and John Watson, making Sherlock choose who would have to shoot the governor, due to the fact that the governor's wife would be shot if they did otherwise.