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Mother: Marchia Euphemia Occupation.

The most important figure at the Western court was Ricimer had gathered 6,000 men for the war against the Vandals, and after the death of Romanus he moved with his men to the north, leaving Anthemius in Rome. Flavius Procopius Anthemius was born circa 420, at birth place.

Anthemius belonged to a noble family, the gens Procopia, which gave several high officers, both civil and military, to the Eastern Roman Empire.His mother Lucina, [citation needed] born c. 400, [citation needed] descended from Flavius Philippus, Praetorian prefect of the East in 346, and was the daughter of the influential Flavius Anthemius, Praetorian prefect of the East … Flavius Procopius Anthemius (fl. Flavius passed away on month day 472, at age 52 at death place. For other people called "Anthemius", see Anthemius (disambiguation). politician of the Eastern Roman Empire Sources. Died July 11, 472 (aged 52) His mother Lucina, born c. 400, descended from Flavius Philippus, Praetorian prefect of the East in 346, and was the daughter of the influential Flavius Anthemius, Praetorian prefect of the East (404–415) and Consul in 405. Flavius Procopius Anthemius (fl. Wikipedia: Procopius Anthemius.

Biography. Full name Procopius Anthemius .

Very little is known of Olybrius' policy; in his Vita Epifanius, Ennodius describes him as a pious man who acted accordingly. Mother: Marchia Euphemia Occupation. Flavius married Aelia Marciana Anthemius (born Euphemia) in 453, at age 33. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.

Anthemius gab aber zunächst nicht auf und bemühte sich nun um militärische Erfolge gegen die Nach all diesen Misserfolgen wurde Anthemius 470 offenbar ernsthaft krank.

To put Leo under pressure, Gaiseric extended his attacks on Sicily and Italy to the territories of the Eastern Empire, sacking and enslaving people living in By choosing Anthemius, Leo obtained three results: he sent a possible candidate to the eastern throne far away; he repulsed Gaiseric's attempt to put a puppet of his own on the Western throne; and he put a capable and proven general with a trained army in Italy, ready to fight the Vandals.
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Magister eius Proclus, Neoplatonicus Alexandriae fuit. Procopius Anthemius fuit imperator imperii Romani parte ad occidentem solem vergenti a die 12 Aprilis 467 usque ad mortem.

Jeho děd z matčiny strany Flavius Anthemius vykonával v letech 405 až 414 úřad pretoriánského prefekta.

V této funkci řídil státní záležitosti ve východořímské říši namísto císaře Arcadia a jeho nezletilého syna Theodosia II. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Reign April 12, 467 – July 11, 472 . Anthemius . Er war der Sohn des Heermeisters Procopius und Schwiegersohn des oströmischen Kaisers Markian (450–457). Their daughter Alypia is known as the wife of Ricimer. Wikipedia: Procopius Anthemius.

Check out Britannica's new site for parents! Emperors, Conquerors, and Men of War: Fact or Fiction? The reign of Olybrius was short and uneventful. Hydatius claims that Anthemius had a brother, also named Procopius, but there is no other evidence for this and it probably is a mistake. Early life. Dies waren zum einen die unruhigen Die Stellung des Kaisers war nach dieser Niederlage erschüttert, und viele wandten sich offenbar enttäuscht von Anthemius ab. Leo, on the other hand, wanted to keep Gaiseric as far as possible from the imperial court at Ravenna, and took time to choose a successor to Severus.

Their sons were Anthemiolus, Marcian, Procopius Anthemius and Romulus. 469–515 AD) was a politician of the Eastern Roman Empire, son of Western Roman Emperor Anthemius. Vereinzelt wurde er als "griechischer Kaiser" (Den Kaiser plagten nach 468 leere Kassen, und da der Sold ausblieb, begann sich seine Armee langsam aufzulösen. After the disastrous campaign in Africa, Anthemius turned to the reconquest of In 470, Anthemius recruited Britons living in either Britain or Armorica to fight Euricus.Anthemius took the matter into his own hands and decided to attack the Visigoths directly. politician of the Eastern Roman Empire Sources. Euphemia and Anthemius would have five known children, one daughter and four sons. 455 Consul VIII (with Flavius Procopius Anthemius); Valentinian III killed in Rome; Buildings: Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna.

469–515 AD) Gens: Procopii Parents. Augustus of the Western Roman Empire . Er war der Sohn des Heermeisters Procopius und Schwiegersohn des Kaisers Markian (450–457). The powerful patrician Ricimer, kingmaker