I have spent nearly $2,000 on this game (I'm not proud of it, please no judgement, already ashamed). Good Morning Music VR 360° Positive Vibrations - 528Hz The Deepest Healing - … Of course it eats DD's in seconds if they get close, and CA's have to be at least a little wary of you. So what kind of targets are you hitting? Only 31 games!!!!!
I'm getting the exact same results, over and over again. You do know Tier X ships have a 50% buff on all stats for the first 50 battles, right? Like Lion, Conqueror can sneak around the map by taking advantage of her low detectability range, which is among the lowest of all Tier X battleship's, even beating that of a Hindenburg fully kitted out for concealment. Aye. With guns. 26 Armored Warfare обзор Asashio Analysis balti best cruiser best premium call of duty: wwii chat close pass cum sa dasha perova answers questions how to play minotaur Northern Lights Panzerknacker rounds Rythian Shipmas texas wows Vechz wakatake world of warships fails world warshipw Worldwide wows german battleships wows zao captain skills Imagine playing that in a world where carriers know you don't have Defensive AA...Another line with better AP than KM Cruisers, what's even the point of the KM line anymore.Whilst I know from experience the KM cruisers aren't great, and could do with some love, they do at least have better arcs, range, and I believe more damage than the RN. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Only 31 games!!!!! I didn't really get to play her enough to know and there might be some interesting ways to play this ship due to smoke usage.The DPM on her is insane though, too bad you very rarely get to use it.Overpowered it's not.
Yamato — Japanese Tier X battleship.. It's the other way around.
No other ship in my fleet can consistantly do SO much in a battle while doing so little for the win. Then if you consider that your own DD's are free to torp, and their torps wont be spotted early by enemy DD's we can assume that their damage output will increase by 40-80k damage each (depending on how skilled the DD is, how aware enemy team is). They just have some blatant weaknesses people will learn to use. All potatoes and no meat. Neptune represents the pinnacle of evolution for the Royal Navy's twelve-gun cruisers and is the last ship in the British cruiser line to sport the triple-barreled, quadruple turret configuration that captains of Fiji and Edinburgh are well-acquainted with by this point..
The official site had the following description of the minotaur: Wows.fr: HMS Minotaur (Tout en finesse) - Duration: 19:02. I believe you can mouse over you shell hit ribbon on the scorecard screen to see what types of hits you got after the battle, just FYI since you said that you thought that half of your shells bounced (I doubt that).Also I don't really see the point in taking BoS on a cruiser, people rarely try to strategically set fires on cruisers, they're harder to hit in specific areas, have a shorter Damage Control cooldown and in this case you have a smokescreen, so fires shouldn't really be a problem.I know, I actually went back and did but editing it in is a pain and not worth it.Fires and floodings can whittle away at your HP.
only 31 games so far but still a 71% win rate (was 86% till I potatoed a few games). That"s funny, cuz i just picked up my mino and I LOVE her!!! It has zero alpha, its guns are more like a manualy operated DOT, it does its best when it is not the focus and is operating on the edges of the enemies awareness, thus making it diffucilt to shape an engagement or the battle. My WR is brutal in Minotaur as well. Description.
You do know Tier X ships have a 50% buff on all stats for the first 50 battles, right? Generally I find an island, smoke up and hit whatever's closest. lol While those are huge damage numbers, you can do what I'd call "useless damage" ie: bringing a BB down from 100% to 60% (roughly 40k damage, but his guns are just as effective at 100% health as they are at 1%). They were armed with big "ball and chain" weapons instead of totems.. Sharing the name with one of König’s sister ships, Großer Kurfürst (translation: "Great Elector", from the title of Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg) sits atop the German battleship line at Tier X.
This about covers it. The ship maintained a very high level of survivability due to reliable armor and robust torpedo protection. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts(IGN: DerKleine [OM]) - Digesting 2 bit opinions in 32 bit colorCookies help us deliver our Services. After I got over the RoF, and the wanting of justification for suffering through the grind of the Neptune (made worse by the smoke nerf), I found the Mino gimmicky and generally not fun to play because chance and MM are such a big part of the equation. Then I'll look up and everyone around me is dead and we end up losing. only 31 games so far but still a 71% win rate (was 86% till I potatoed a few games). But seriously though, your words are wise, I shall take them into consideration. You clearly need to pop smoke well behind your fleet and spam enemy BBs with AP shells. But don't worry! The Minotaur stands proudly atop the British cruiser line for many many reasons first and foremost it's an incredibly fun ship to play, when you add the best concealment for any cruiser at tier 10, machine gun like main battery reload speeds and the ability to mount either smoke or radar HMS Minotaur gives you all the tools
I find its best played on the weak side/stalemate side of the battle, chasing DD's, CA's, and even BB's away from caps.