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The initial enthusiasm for what has been discussed and what has been decided can sometimes be forgotten in the pressure to get back to the ‘day job’ and to contend with all the problems that have been waiting back in the office. BBC (2014) Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind. The two CoEs – the JAPCC and the C2COE – should work together to develop, test and evaluate tools that can be used to enable enhanced situational understanding at the operational level and embed efficient and effective processes that can be executed rapidly and with fewer people having to give their approval.

Nahavandi S. (2017) Trusted Autonomy Between Humans and Robots. MS PowerPoint) as one of their visualization tools to support decision-making. It was stated during the conference that MDO requires three things: Connecting, Decision-Making, and Responding at Speed.

However, we risk being imprecise by using the adjectival prefix ‘cyber’ without a suffix. The Iraqi IADS and military in 1991 were defeated because they were slow, centrally controlled and relied on things like Ground-controlled Intercepts and excessively centralized control that killed initiative, while the coalition was much more decentralized and flexible, and our OODA loop was therefore much tighter. In the closing days of 2019 NATO recognized Space an operational domain, referencing its importance in keeping the Alliance safe and in addressing security challenges, in line with international law. Nothwang W. D., McCourt M. J., Robinson R. M., Burden S. A. and Curtis J. W. (2016) The human should be part of the control loop? Air Force Magazine (2019) Shriever Wargame Drives Command and Control Change at CSpOC. Furthermore, as NATO acquires new capabilities while continuing to rely on legacy systems, how do operators manage the battlespace across all operational domains? Available from [Accessed 2 Nov. 2019].2. As they said, ‘The Dodos did not go extinct because of the Dutch who ate them … but because they were simply not multi-domain’.It was sobering to learn – in the example about GPS jamming from Russian ships in the Eastern Mediterranean – that one of NATO’s potential adversaries may be embracing the principles of mission command that we long believed were much more likely to be used by NATO. One result of the conference has been a draft definition of what is meant by the term MDO. What the 2019 JAPCC Conference helped to demonstrate is that, in actual fact, MDO is neither of these two things.One result of the conference has been a draft definition of what is meant by the term MDO. This gives NATO a starting point to begin building doctrine for MDO. Winslow D., Everts P. (2001) It’s Not Just a Question of Muscle: Cultural Interoperability for NATO. Handy, C. 1976. Bower, M. 1966. There were s… [online]. However, the JAPCC now has a responsibility to ensure that the key takeaways from this conference are, firstly, not forgotten but, much more importantly, to ensure that concrete actions are taken to advance the discussion and implementation of MDO for NATO.So how can the JAPCC play a part in moving the Alliance forward?

The JAPCC Conference 2019 Conference Proceedings Theme 3 | Human Factors and Military Culture ‘Technology is the easy part. MDO is not going to go away and the 2020 JAPCC Conference will develop the theme further when it takes as its aim …The JAPCC, as a team of multinational experts, is to provide key decision makers effective solutions to Air and Space Power challenges, in order to safeguard NATO and the Nations' interests.1. The JAPCC, as a team of multinational experts, is to provide key decision makers effective solutions to Air and Space Power challenges, in order to safeguard NATO and the Nations' interests. Inefficiencies in C2 processes rapidly become a critical vulnerability for a military organization that needs to respond to multiple threats at speed. The JAPCC Conference 2019 Conference Proceedings Theme 1 | Defining Multi-Domain Operations. May 2019 - 24. Dedicated tools are required to enable synchronization and deconfliction – and going forward these tools must incorporate interoperability by design, and not wait to address it post-production.The JAPCC – with its proven expertise and regular involvement in supporting NATO Joint Exercises – is ideally positioned to work with colleagues from other CoEs and other NATO organizations to take this forward and it will form one of the strands of the JAPCC’s programme of work for 2020/21.It is easy to be a pessimist and to believe that MDO is either some sort of illusory nirvana or that, if real, MDO is all too difficult to achieve. In 2020 the Joint Air & Space Power Conference will focus on how NATO leverages emerging technologies in support of Air & Space Power. Conference Themes. The smaller nations are also beginning to play their part here.However, there is much work still to be done and the JAPCC stands ready to play its part in doing it. 2019. It needs to take incremental steps towards this every day. Understanding Organizations. What the 2019 JAPCC Conference helped to demonstrate is that, in actual fact, MDO is neither of these two things. Space. Resilience Week (RWS), Chicago, IL, 2016, p. 214–220.7. The Conference spent some time – particularly in the first morning’s keynote address and panel one – examining the words tied up in MDO and proposing definitions. 10 October 2019 | Centre News, Meeting | NATO C2COE ‘The Dodo did not go extinct because of the Dutch who ate them… but because they were simply not... Read More → NATO C2COE presented the MDO C2 Demonstrator at this years’ JAPCC Conference.