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Given that there are over 7 billion people in the world there's a good chance some of those will look very similar to each other without being blood related.As in what ND created is virtually another person who does share many of the same facial attributes as the media is one of the best and worse aspects of the internetThe most boring character in the game so far!

The part is being played by Shannon Woodward.She's very good looking and I don't think Naughty Dog's artists did her justice from what we've seen. ... Dina's model doesn't have "man arms" at all lol You're trying too hard here hoss.

Seeing Norman Reedus in Death Stranding or Ellen Page in Beyond Two Souls or Rami Malek in Until Dawn is cool and all, but I find no less enjoyment when I play a game that models characters after unknowns. Notify me about new: FAQs. Which is why I give credit to a studio like CD Projekt Red for just making games and telling everybody 'hey, if you don't like it, f**k off.' When the trio return to the theater, Tommy enters another room to find his gold necklace to prove to Jesse and Ellie that it is indeed gold. Congrats to her though, it’s certainly a claim to fame and a very rare opportunity.Amazing what this old PS4 Tech can still do when the right people are using it correctly.I remembered on my PS1 where we had FMV cutscenes then it jumped back into the crappy graphics I honestly expected to be a bit more impressed by the character models in the sequel, specifically the faces. Eventually, during the dance, Dina - having recently broken up with Jesse for good - decided to kiss Ellie who responded in kind. There's a Cost

Although they are not together they seem to respect and care for each other. She is seen sharing intimate moments with Ellie, leaving viewers to wonder what sort of relationship they have during the course of the game. ND's artists are much more capable than this but 90% of Western studios have gone down the 'realism' rabbit hole. Dina danced with a man from the group, much to the jealousy of her ex-boyfriend. They turned a normal attractive girl and turned her into someone that looks like an old Jewish spinster from Fiddler on the roof. I can't wait for Devil May Cry 5, and Resident Evil 2 remake is my most anticipated game by far, but the character models, male and female, are absolutely horrendous and I blame it on going for 'realism.' Can you see Norman Reedus and not think of Daryl from the TV show The Walking Dead?

She invited Ellie, who was drinking at the bar, to dance with her. (Well, except the part where the internet trolls start criticizing her appearance). We watch WW and I thought it might be Clementine but my wife said no, so we Googled Shannon Woodward. Giggity.I remember someone here actually saying ND screwed up in the character’s nose lol.Also, Ashley Johnson has come a long way from being the Annie remake from Growing Pains. Finding Abby beating Ellie, Dina ran up to Abby, tackled her and slashed her with her knife. By early morning, Dina came downstairs to find Ellie packing her bag to leave. She’s gorgeous!Pretty sure several of the levels had our fave marsupial in outer space.The actual actress is way more attractive than the character model based on her, that's for sure.Shannon, Ashley and this girl are gorgeous, let them kiss!What a great video! This put a strain on their relationship. "We have a family. Giving JJ to Ellie, Dina pursues Tommy and demands he never come back with talk about Abby again. On their way to Seattle, Ellie recounts the moment in the first Last of Us when she saved Joel from a hunter while he was still alive: her first kill. Their happiness was short-lived however, when Keeping her word, Dina abandoned the farm with JJ, leaving Ellie alone. My wife and I just stared at that photo and a dozen pics of her and Google and can't find a match. Cheats. If not, set something in space.So did she and Ashley Johnson have to mo-cap that scene together? Heck, I have a hard enough time being pulled out of the immersion when I hear a familiar voice actor. Angered, Tommy berates Ellie and storms out. The character designers are disgusting for changing the model’s nose into a stereotypically offensive caricature of Jewish women. ND did the model a huge disservice. @Jriibz She's not even the actress; they're just using her likeness. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Get beyond Caradonna’s infectious enthusiasm and there’s actually quite a lot of meat in this video, as she talks about the process behind her inclusion and even shares some side-by-side comparisons. Dina is the deuteragonist of Ellie's story in The Last of Us Part II. She is voiced and motion-captured by Shannon Woodward. Despite Dina's pleas, Ellie leaves and Dina decides to abandon the farm with JJ. Westworld actress Shannon Woodward is playing Dina in The Last of Us: Part II, but you may have noticed that the star doesn’t really look like her in-game counterpart.