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Our four Mobile Engine Service stations are fully operational and offer flexible solutions for your aircraft engines. "The airlines can thus react quickly to changing needs while keeping costs low." The aircraft are scheduled to arrive at Lufthansa Technik in Hamburg in August and October 2021, where they will be multifunctionally equipped for various missions.

As Trent 500 Volume Shop N3 has a lot of experience. For more about AvAir, visit in these difficult times for the entire industry we experience regular signs of confidence from our customers: The most recent one came from the largest aircraft operating lessor based in Asia, BOC Aviation (taggen), who just extended their Engine MRO contract with us. This acquisition will give our customers access to one of the most desirable inventories in the aviation aftermarket," said Mike Bianco, Chief Executive Officer of AvAir.With this transaction, AvAir has added a wide range of commercial and regional aircraft material to its inventory. AvAir has purchased the majority of Lufthansa Technik's overstock of rotable spares inventory. As soon as additional details can be verified, Lufthansa Technik will be providing more information on the Twitter channel @LHTechnik and on "We are extremely excited for this agreement which solidifies the relationship built between AvAir and Lufthansa Technik over the past 20 years.

The contract concluded accordingly comprises 12 units (plus 2 reserve units). Die Flugzeuglackierung wird künftig an anderen Standorten der Lufthansa Technik Gruppe ausgeführt werden. Once the aircraft has received its cabin, it is scheduled to be delivered to the customer by the end of July. / Technik Students):KOMBI trainings: Basic training in Hamburg, later practical training at other locations (in brackets):Lufthansa Technik AG, Frankfurt (training starts August 10), 63 in total (incl. Bei der LTMI werden ca.

The first components will be delivered immediately from Lufthansa Technik facilities in Germany to AvAir facilities in Ireland and Chandler, Arizona in the United States.

"Today we are of course particularly pleased to be able to extend this cooperation to the most modern generation of aircraft and to install the first government cabin in an Airbus A350. Between 2007 and 2020 a total of 540 Trent 500 engines have been overhauled at N3.The future, however, belongs to the latest and most modern engine type for long-haul, the Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-84k. Only after the sister aircraft 10+01 and 10+02, which are currently still under construction, receive a fully featured VIP cabin from Lufthansa Technik next year, the transitional cabin in 10+03 will also be exchanged for one. Im Gegenzug wird das VIP-Geschäft im Hamburger Werk ausgebaut.Ende Mai 2017 beschloss die Geschäftsführung die seit 60 Jahren in Die wichtigsten Produkte der Lufthansa Technik sind die Wartung und Überholung der Flugzeuge, die Triebwerks- und Fahrwerksüberholung, Komponenten und Logistik und der Bereich VIP-Flugzeuge. Weltweit hatte der MRO-Markt im Jahr 2008 für alle Fluggesellschaften zusammen ein geschätztes Volumen von 42 Mrd. Lufthansa Technik hat demnach weltweit einen Personalüberhang von rund 4500 Stellen, davon 2500 in Deutschland. With these cookies we can, for example, Das Unternehmen will mit den Tarifpartnern bis zum 22. The rest of the cabin space will be available to the accompanying delegations. He will take over from Carsten Spohr as Chairman with effect from the same date. The conversion itself should then be possible within a few days," explains Henning Jochmann, Senior Director Aircraft Modification Base Maintenance at Lufthansa Technik. We can display special offers which are perfectly suited to your needs.In this challenging situation we continue to focus on what we do best: Certified conversion for cargo operations in passenger cabinsEasily installed, the shields prevent aerosols to spread.Unleash the the power of data-driven solutions – from predictive maintenance to automated fulfillment. However, an aircraft that has been granted an approval for passenger transport cannot simply be loaded with cargo in the cabin, as the approval criteria for passenger cabins and cargo compartments are completely different. Je nach Stellenangebot besteht der Auswahltag aus computergestützten Leistungstests, Assessment Centern sowie Fachbereichsgesprächen.Nach erfolgreichem Durchlaufen der vorigen Stufen erhalten Sie ein Vertragsangebot von uns.

Experten rechnen mit weniger Umsatz und einem Mini-Gewinn im …Goldpreis setzt Rallye ungebremst fort – Kommt jetzt die Korrektur? Doch die Einschnitte werden hart.Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - Die von der Corona-Krise hart getroffene Lufthansa hat allein in Deutschland etwa 11.000 Stellen zu viel an Bord.Gut eine Woche vor der entscheidenden Abstimmung der Aktionäre über das staatliche Rettungspaket nannte die Airline am Montag genauere Zahlen. "Over the past months we have been able to increase the efficiency of our supply chain with an improved  allocation of our rotable spare parts inventory. This means that anyone who opts for Lufthansa Technik's exceptional solution now can easily switch to the permanent STC solution later. The corresponding procurement project was already approved on July 3 in the context of the approval of the Second Supplementary Budget 2020.N3 has delivered the last Rolls-Royce Trent 500 engine after a regular overhaul under the current business model. "Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburg (training starts August 3), in total 129 (incl. Die Deutsche Lufthansa AG ist ein deutsches Luftfahrtunternehmen mit Sitz in Köln. Der Flugbetrieb von Germanwings wird nicht wiederaufgenommen, wie Lufthansa bereits mitgeteilt hatte.

Lufthansa Technik plant nach Angaben der Gewerkschaft Verdi, mehr als 300 Mitarbeiter zu entlassen.