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(1) It is growing in all age groups, in virtually every community, and the growth is seen most in the young, especially teens. MAJOR DEPRESSION is a huge problem and it is growing. This may, in part, be driven by the neurological highs and crashes of the gaming experience.Another factor may be the way video game addiction removes your loved one from healthy situations and behaviors that support mental wellness; as gaming comes to take on an ever-increasing role in their life, other vital pieces may fall away, including in-person social relationships, educational or professional pursuits, healthy sleep and dietary habits, and physical activity.

But while these forms of addiction can be devastating in and of themselves, they are often particularly so when accompanied by As with most process addictions, the concept of video game addiction is often misunderstood, minimized, or rejected altogether.

This includes cases where the co-occurring addiction is a process addiction rather than a substance use disorder. Virtually anyone can now play a seemingly endless variety of increasingly sophisticated games on a broad range of devices, including portable devices that allow for instant access anywhere. As Internet use has become increasingly prevalent and spurred a growing number of people toward addiction, researchers have come to acknowledge not only the existence of the condition, but regard Internet use as a public health issue due to its addictive potential. But Internet addiction is, of course, not only experienced by gamers, nor is Internet addiction necessarily directly related to gaming even for those struggling with video game addiction. Don’t wait another day to get the help you or a loved one needs. However, people struggling with mental illness like major depression are particularly vulnerable to such While escapism and distraction may be part of what allows gaming to be used as a coping mechanism, the pleasure circuit itself is believed to play a significant role. However, is also another, more troubling catalyst that spurs some players to spend inordinate amounts of time in the world of gaming: Internet and gaming addiction.Internet and video game addiction can be controversial subjects. This clearly shows that the root cause of most depression is not a chemical imbalance.Yet, it is estimated 35 to 40 million Americans living today will suffer from major depression at some time during their lives, with about half of this amount suffering from recurring depression symptoms. These episodes are characterized by extreme symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. Major depressive disorder (MDD), also known simply as depression, is a mental disorder characterized by at least two weeks of low mood that is present across most situations. Experts explain major depression, seasonal affective disorder, postpartum depression, and more different types of depression, plus what you should know …

As a result, their mental health is further compromised and depression deepens, potentially strengthening the impetus to find relief in gaming.For many gamers, the Internet plays a critical role in their gaming activities. You know that if you have a problem other people will help you and you are expected to help out when others need support. In the past 60 years, however, video games have transformed from what was once an obscure and simple pastime to one of the most popular recreational activities in the United States, with an estimated Part of this astronomical rise in popularity is due to technological advances and increases in access.