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It is a shame!I am sure you have some idol in your life that you follow. Do not forget that this man had a lucrative job but he chose to give away 100% of his income from his librarian job and then worked in hotels, washing dishes and doing laundry to keep himself alive so that he can keep working as a librarian and keep donating his entire salary. But the truth is, ‘hope is never lost’. On the contrary, people like Mr. Kalyansundaram should be the ones receiving nationwide honor because they are the ones who make the real difference. Top 100 People of the Millennium.

Leave a reply and let us know what you think.Founder and Chief Editor of Facts Legend, Sankalan believes that information should be free. So, who is this man and what did he do? Why do you generalize Indians as people who are interested in only Sunny Leone? World is full of filth – filth like politicians, money mongers and warmongers, filth like drug lords and rapists and what not! Login. That’s coming from people who donated billions of dollars. He is the man who has donated every single penny he owned and earned throughout his lifetime to help the poor and the needy, keeping absolutely nothing for himself. Mark, it is an organisation not the government. Die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele (englischer Originaltitel: Millennium Development Goals, MDG) der Vereinten Nationen waren acht Entwicklungsziele für das Jahr 2015, die im Jahr 2000 von einer Arbeitsgruppe aus Vertretern der Vereinten Nationen, der Weltbank, des IWF und des Entwicklungsausschusses Development Assistance Committee der OECD formuliert worden sind. Interesting Man of the Millennium Facts: 1-10 1. First do what he did or do even more and then you will be in a position to ask that question.Mr. Sankalan Baidya, you are 100% right. Mr. Kalyansundaram is one in a billion, He is an icon and there is no “like him”. But not everyone gives away 100% of his/her income towards the cause and picks up a petty job for survival. The following list is the most important people of the last 1000 years according A & E Biography. There are millions of people globally who have identical thoughts. Instead, you choose to ask, ‘what’s big in it’. But the site is rather unstable and many a times it will lead you to another site for online purchase of pharmacy, the reason not known to me.No words to describe his nobility it’s really shame on us that most of Indians doesn’t know about him no words are in any dictionary to do his praise,I can’t find one information regarding this award in the Net.“The Man Of The millennium” title is self revealing…..i have no words to describe this man……but great solute!!

I can ask, “what’s the big deal in that? Das Institut hat für die Lösung eines der sieben Probleme ein Preisgeld von jeweils einer Million US-Dollar ausgelobt. Every child should know about this real hero Mr. Palam Kalyanasundaram and take him as his/her role model. * By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website.Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Blog. I think there is nothing wrong in being elated about Sachin, Sharukh and Salman. I feel so bad that I enjoyed your amazing article only to see in the last sentence you criticized all Indians (including me) of being socially irresponsible. They are do their jobs very well. Millennium Fürchte deinen Nächsten wie Dich selbst (Originaltitel: Millennium) ist eine von Chris Carter geschaffene US-amerikanische Fernsehserie. Please enable cookies on your web browser in order to continue. No surprise he earned the title Man of the Millennium. Enter an answer into the box.

Random. Definitely better than me ( a nobody) and apparently from this article better than you.When I forwarded this message of Kalyana Sundaram,in one of the group people are saying award of American government is fake,so can you please provide some documental proof to mail I’dThe story of Kalyanasundaram was first published in “I see India”‘s newsletter, 25th April, 2013 issue, written by Megha Ghosh, founder of the Blog, where it was written as:”An American organisation has also selected him as the `Man of the Millennium…The gold medallist in library science, even donated the entire amount of Rs. Let us learn 20 interesting Palam Kalyansundaram facts and pay our respects to him for his deeds.It is a shame on us Indians that we feel happy and elated at heart when we learn about Sachin Tendulkar or Shah Rukh Khan or Salman Khan or may be Sunny Leone but most of us don’t even know about people like Mr. Kalyansundaram who dedicate their entire lives for reviving our faith in humanity. So, if you can’t respect Mr. Kalyansundaram, it is your problem but don’t come up and say ‘what’s big in it’. Are you? Celebrities should never be our heroes because they live for themselves. Liste der Probleme. Sie wurden aus der Millenniumserklärung abgeleitet, die im Rahmen des so genannten Millenniu… Here is the LIFE magazine list of the "Top" 100 People who had a major impact on the Second Millennium, ranked in order of importance. Once in a while people come out from nowhere who give us some hope, renew our faith in humanity and helps us ‘believe’ that not everything is lost.One such man is Mr. Palam Kalyansundaram.

I don’t even want to think why you said “even Sunny Leone”.