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Um Ihnen ein besseres Nutzererlebnis zu bieten, verwenden wir Cookies. But at a press conference Bouffier, who has said that he is willing to testify, read out a prepared statement, declaring ‘I have nothing to hide … These insinuations against me are a monstrosity, they are shameless, and I reject them in every way.’ The struggle continues to establish the precise role the German intelligence services played in hindering the arrest of NSU members, as does the Duggan family’s twelve year battle to get answers to their questions.

A few years later I saw a BBC documentation on this case, showing the whole background I did not know before. or. And the Hesse intelligence agency refused all requests from the police to speak to its informants, on the ground that ‘an interrogation and the resulting loss of the sources would represent the greatest possible disaster for the state agency’.In February, in the latest dramatic twist in the NSU case, lawyers for the family of Halit Yozgat made a formal application to the court for the State Premier of Hesse to be called to give evidence.

Auch die hessische Fraktionskollegin Lisa Gnadl wurde Mutter und blieb dennoch Politikerin.Nancy Faeser ist seit Oktober 2012 mit dem Rechtsanwalt Eyke Grüning verheiratet. Page Transparency See More. internationally.Why is Volker Bouffier’s evidence important for the family of Halit Yozgat, the NSU’s ninth victim, as well as to the family of Jeremiah Duggan?The trial of Beate Zschäpe and four co-defendants in the case of the National Socialist Underground (NSU, a German neo-Nazi cell which murdered at least ten people, mostly men of Turkish origin, between 2000 and 2007) has been ongoing at the Munich Higher Regional Court since May 2013.Meanwhile, in London, the mother and father of Jeremiah Duggan, a young British-Jewish student who died in Germany in March 2003, are preparing for a new inquest into the circumstances of their son’s death twelve years ago.On the face of it, the NSU trial has absolutely nothing to do with the case of Jeremiah Duggan. Dr. Frasier Winslow Crane (born c. 1952) is a fictional character on the American television sitcoms Cheers and Frasier, portrayed by Kelsey Grammer.The character debuts in the Cheers third-season premiere, "Rebound (Part 1)" (1984), as Diane … Leitlinie allen sozialdemokratischen Handelns bleibe dabei die soziale Gerech - tigkeit, erklärte der Landesvorsitzende Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel.

Andrea Nahles, Generalsekretärin der Bundes-SPD, und die ehemalige Bundesfamilienministerin Kristina Schröder (CDU) haben vorgemacht, wie man trotz Nachwuchses den Weg in die Verantwortung zurück findet. Not Now. LaRouche’s German-born wife, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, runs the Schiller Institute in Wiesbaden.Jeremiah’s body was discovered close to LaRouche’s offices less than an hour after he had phoned his mother to tell her that he was frightened and his life was in danger.The police did not carry out an investigation into Jeremiah’s death. Evidence presented at successive parliamentary inquiries and during proceedings at the Munich court, where senior police officers have testified, suggests that the Hesse intelligence services obstructed the police investigation into Yozgat’s murder.

Das übernimmt nun bald als Zusatzaufgabe der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer Günter Rudolph – als selbst lange amtierender innenpolitischer Sprecher ist er in den Themen selbstverständlich immer noch zu Hause.Ähnliches gilt für den Innenausschuss des Landtags, während es im Wirtschaftsausschuss der Nordhesse Uwe Frankenberger sein wird, der während der Abwesenheit Nancy Faesers die Schwangerschaftsvertretung übernimmt.Heikler wird die Angelegenheit im Untersuchungsausschuss zum ungeklärten Mord an dem Kasseler Internetcafé-Betreiber Halit Yozgat.

But there is a connection, one which lies not in the activities of the NSU cell itself, but in patterns of institutional behaviour within the German police, intelligence and prosecution services.A full three-day inquest into the death of Jeremiah Duggan will take place at the North London Coroner’s Court from 19-21 May. The whole trial in Stuttgart was montiored by Michael Buback on 3Sat (see: Facit: right wing Groups were always protected by state authorities since the 50ties. 5,187 people like this. The new evidence was presented to the High Court and resulted in the quashing of the first inquest verdict.The obstructive behaviour of the police in the case of Jeremiah Duggan is consistent with the pattern of institutional behaviour in the NSU case. Wie es sich für ein Kind in einem Politiker-Haushalt lebt, weiß Nancy Faeser aus eigener Erfahrung noch sehr gut.