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Minimal, affordable and practical, the U Series was born from a sketch that attempted to answer the question of what true urban mobility looks like. Each component of the UQi-Series’ electric powertrain has been precisely designed to achieve the perfect balance between power and energy efficiency, ensuring that the motor provides sufficient power while reducing power loss.NIU developed its FOC vector controller to communicate with the UQi-Series’ motor.
I hereby give consent to NIU Technologies to hold my personal data and contact me with news and updates about NIU Technologies’ products and services in accordance with theABCDEFGHIJKLM概述技术设计参数购买*图示后脚踏为选配件,标准实物并不附带该配件。产品使用说明书 It detects all kinds of movements in your scooter. The motor lock can be activated if an unauthorized movement of your scooter is made.
The motor lock can be activated if an unauthorized movement of your scooter is made. Pedestrians and drivers have no problem spotting you when on the road, reducing the likelihood of accidents.
Not only does it look great, but the Q235 steel has excellent torsonial rigidity and low longitudinal stiffness, providing the right balance between carrying capacity and maneuverability.At NIU, safety is our top priority.
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Regenerative braking systems capture power back into the battery, thanks to an Electronic braking system.
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Different driving habits, modes of acceleration, and energy consumption all impact our riding.
From £2,099
Ebenso lässt er sich sehr einfach, in den meisten Mittelklasse PKW´s transportieren, ebenso kann er einfach im Aufzug mit in die Wohnung genommen werden.
You can even get a notification on your phone if your scooter topples over.We have designed and developed our next generation BMS.
Using 150,000 riders in our study sample, we created a smart scooter that’s purpose-built for the city.Through extensive research and analysis, we proudly present our cutting-edge brushless magnet motor. Using the cloud connection after each ride, the data analysis optimizes the intelligent riding experience by learning about your driving habits.The UQi-Series’ anti-theft alarm accuracy range has been shortened to only 3 meters thanks to the new MEMS six-axis motion sensor.
It detects all kinds of movements in your scooter. From £1,999 The BMS does more than provide a precise calculation of charge and discharge. With it's "named" frame, colourful panels and modular design styling, the U series is perfect for those who wish to get about town while making a statement.A brushless Bosch motor has a 92.6% power conversion effeciency, delivering 24Nm of torque.
Using 150,000 riders in our study sample, we created a smart scooter that’s purpose-built for the city.Through extensive research and analysis, we proudly present our cutting-edge brushless magnet motor.
Unlock from up to 50 meters at the press of a button, or simply get on and ride.What is the TOP speed of this vehicle and does it have a normal uk plug , so i can plug it in at home , what type of battery is this ? A six axis motion sensor alerts you to any unauthorised movement of your scooter or if it has fallen over.