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Linear Scale Factor. They can be written as either ratios, decimals, fractions or percentages.Using linear scale factor a shape can be transformed into another similar shape by changing the size of all its dimensions (either enlargement or reduction) by using a scale factor.To enlarge or reduce any shape you must begin by working out the scale factor, this is calculated by using the following formula:In the example above we are looking for the length of the bigger rectangle 2. "Every map of even a portion of the earth involves at least some distortion, some compromise in the representation of the earth’s features "Here are several useful formulas for determining distance, area, and scale factor.

Knowing the scale factor of the map allows the reader to calculate distance and more efficiently guide himself. The basic equation for it is image over preimage. Scale Factors, this GCSE Maths section of Revision Maths explains scale factors and how to calculate them.The video below provides an overview to calculating scale factors.A scale factor is a number which is used as a multiplier when scaling.Scale factors can be used to scale objects in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. So a scale factor of ¼ means that the new shape is 4 times smaller than the original. They can be written as either ratios, decimals, fractions or percentages. Scale factor plays an important role in GIS and cartography.
In the equation y = Cx, C is the scale factor for x. However, it is important to understand that scale factors are not always accurate in every area of a map due to the distortions of the selected map projection.

is also the coefficient of , and may be called the constant of proportionality of to .For example, doubling distances corresponds to a scale factor of 2 for distance. Using linear scale factor a shape can be transformed into another similar shape by changing the size of all its dimensions (either enlargement or reduction) by using a scale factor. Scale factors can be used to scale objects in 1, 2 or 3 dimensions. C is also the coefficient of x, and may be called the constant of proportionality of y to x.

These are simple versions that do not take into account inconsistencies due to map projections. A scale factor is a number which scales, or multiplies, some quantity. A scale factor is a number which scales, or multiplies, some quantity. When a scale factor is a fraction the shape decreases in size, but we still call this an enlargement.

This is therefore an enlargement so we use the following formula 12 ÷ 8 = 1.5.So we therefore know that rectangle 2 is 1.5 times bigger than rectangle 1.

In the equation: is the scale factor for . For example, doubling distances corresponds to a scale factor of two for distance, while cutting a cake in half results in pieces with a scale factor for volume of one half.