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In the statement, Sheekey said, “We’ve built a nationwide coalition focused on building a better future for America, and that starts with defeating Donald Trump in November.” He pointed out that “only” one-third of delegates are awarded on Super Tuesday. ET

Bloomberg out: Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg ended his campaign and endorsed Biden. “We will find out how well he does tonight,” Sheekey said. We’re still waiting on California and Texas.”“He is in the top three, thank god,” said Deborah Kinniry, 64. Her plan was to emerge as the alternative to Biden and Sanders — with her sights set on appearing on the debate stage in Phoenix later this month.Those hopes are now almost certainly dashed. Mike Bloomberg is highly focused on Super Tuesday states, leaving the rest of the Democratic field battling it out in Iowa and New Hampshire. Bloomberg poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Super Tuesday, and he’s ending the day with the future of his presidential campaign uncertain. The campaign returned to New York on Tuesday night and has no public events scheduled for Wednesday.But several factors converged to make everything go wrong for Bloomberg on Tuesday. 2020 Elections. He's been scared stiff of us and for good reason because every time he hit us, we hit back twice as hard," Bloomberg said.District-level delegates pledged to former candidates like Mike Bloomberg, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar will become very popular if the fight goes all the way to the convention.

Donald Trump. He spent the day campaigning in Florida, which votes on March 17. After yesterday's vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden," he wrote in a statement.The former New York City mayor was due to file his first personal financial disclosure report with federal election regulators on March 20, after seeking and receiving two extensions on the filing deadline. Our live coverage has ended. Now that he’s dropped out, the requirement for public disclosure also goes away. "Earlier this week, Bloomberg’s campaign announced events in Michigan and Florida following Super Tuesday. I don’t think he’s the strongest candidate.”“Hopefully he’ll do better in the other states,” said Susanna Scavazzon, 47.“I’ll still vote for him,” said Amy Bissinger, 39. "Biden and Bloomberg also spoke by phone this morning, a Bloomberg aide tells CNN.President Trump went after Mike Bloomberg on Twitter just after the former New York mayor announced he was ending his presidential bid.Trump also added that now Bloomberg will pour money into former VP Joe Biden’s campaign “hoping to save face” and “it won’t work.”"I've always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. During his 101-day run, Bloomberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising in Super Tuesday states and built an impressive nationwide campaign of over 2,000 staffers. His This cued wavering voters — many of whom are more focused on beating Trump than supporting any particular candidate — to go with Biden instead of Bloomberg. Looks like your browser doesn't support JavaScript. And as the results come in, here’s what is clear: No matter how many delegates we win tonight, we have done something no one thought was possible.

The national party says they should follow their conscience. There's nothing that legally requires them to vote for anyone in particular, although different state parties have different rules. Some advisers believe her best path is to be considered as a vice president to Biden.As CNN has reported, Warren is assessing her path forward.

According to data from Kantar/Campaign Media Analysis Group, Bloomberg has spent an estimated $224 million on TV ad spots since entering the race, much of it concentrated in Super Tuesday … And it quickly became clear how tentative the former New York City mayor's support had been when news outlets called first Virginia and then North Carolina for Biden within seconds of polls closing, indicating that the former vice president had won by large margins. Posted on March 3, 2020, at 10:39 p.m. Bloomberg was introduced by supporter Judy Sheindlin, the eponymous host of “If I’m the nominee, let me make you this promise: We will beat Donald Trump here in Florida and in swing states around the country,” Bloomberg said. But Sheekey also emphasized: "Our number one priority remains defeating Donald Trump in November. Sanders is poised to rebound from a distant second-place finish in … This comes as we are also reporting this morning that Warren is now assessing her path forward with her team. Last updated on March 4, 2020, at 9:42 a.m.

But Warren has to make the decision for herself: When to drop out and who — or whether — to endorse.Joe Biden took to Twitter to thank Mike Bloomberg today after the former New York mayor Biden wrote in a tweet tagging Bloomberg, "I can't thank you enough for you support. “I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he said he was running so late.

“Biden’s a great guy, but he’s missing something. Super Tuesday polls: Bernie's edge, Biden's bounce and Bloomberg's debut. "And you know who else knows that? WEST PALM BEACH, Florida — Michael Bloomberg’s return on investment turned out to be very small.A late entry to the presidential race, Bloomberg skipped the first four early states and constructed his entire strategy around winning big on Super Tuesday, Despite the disappointing results and increasing pressure on him to drop out, the billionaire former mayor did not tell the audience here on Tuesday night that he would leave the race.