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O filme "The Big Short" (A grande aposta) foi muito bem transposto para o cinema, mas falha em explicar melhor o que são os CDOs, origem da confusão toda.

Well written, very readable but a lot of abbreviations which might have been easier to remember with an index. Buy this product and stream 90 days of Amazon Music Unlimited for free.

Inevitably there is an overlap between the two but viewers of the film won't be disappointed by the time they spent reading the book and readers of the book women disappointed by the time they spent watching the film. After reading this, you might agree with me that the bond-rating firms should be erased and rebuilt. These were the notorious ‘subprime mortgages’. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt Und die Message ist so klar, dass ich ungefähr zwischen dem dritten und vierten Mal gebanntem und atemlosem Zusehens kapiert habe, was damals tatsächlich passiert ist.

Despite that it remains a pretty readable account of amazing events which affected billions of people and yet are barely understood.

Nie wurde die Finanzkrise so sexy erklärt, wie in diesem Film (The New York Times).Wie aus faulen Haus-Krediten ein Wett-Business wurde To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number.

I paired this movie with Molly's Game for a social science classroom.

I had started this book already twice, attracted by the stunning reviews of both public and critics, and each time I had abandoned.

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That’s not to say I think this is a bad book - I think Mr Lewis is incapable of writing a bad book - but this doesn’t live with his best.

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By a huge amount of tedious work, reading boring, jargon-heavy literature put out by the banks and other financial institutions, they realized that there was a massive fraud being perpetrated on investors in this bond market, an area that had rapidly come to hugely outstrip the traditional equity market. Der Film ist ja ein großes Stück so aufgebaut, wie eine Dokumentation, was natürlich gut zu dem Thema der Aufdeckung der großen Immobilienblase und Finanzkrise passt. It's quite an extraordinary read hard to believe the financial collapse & the run-up to the housing collapse of 2007-2008 actually happened - you really couldn't make this stuff up.

The first part of the conspiracy was to lend billions of dollars to house buyers who clearly did not have the means to meet the payments in the long term.

Many should have gone to jail, but instead it was the 'innocents' who lost money - share holders and investors, whilst those who perpetrated trillions of dollars of losses were effectively rewarded, most kept their jobs, and also the $millions they were handed in salaries and bonuses awarded for their fraudulent deals, scams and trickery. Neben der wirklich sehr guten Besetzung zeigt der Film schonungslos die erschreckende Naivität, Raffgier und Gewissenlosigkeit der Finanzbranche. Fast paced . I settled for this one. Please choose a different delivery location. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission.

Insightful. Liar's Poker: From the author of the Big Short (Hodder Great Reads)
I really enjoyed the film in spite of being made depressed that this could happen then and perhaps will again.

Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. 「However corrupt you think the industry is, it's worse」 Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

The story tells how a few individuals spotted the danger of subprime mortgage bonds to undermine the banking system but were mainly not taken seriously by the market until it was too late. That it’s also well-written and highly entertaining (I found myself laughing on several occasions) only adds to the joy of the book. A lot of that had to do with the large ensemble cast of this movie.Steve Carell gave us one of the best performance of his career, Christian Bale was the awkward lonely genius with ease.

Nel far ciò, alcuni passaggi, alcuni contenuti, risultano ripetitivi.