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In order to get a firearm license one must have no criminal records, be at least 21 years of age (24 for a carry license), pay tax stamp (around $32 dollars) and undergo a written test. Licenses obtained for hunting are implicitly limited to bolt-action or, more rarely, semi-automatic rifles that are "applicable for hunting", with no strict definition of the latter in the laws, which causes controversy.Self-defense with firearms, as well as carry, is generally prohibited. Rimfire rifles, regardless of type have no magazine limit. Ammunition must be stored separately. The United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) has made comparisons between countries with different levels of gun ownership and investigated the correlation between gun ownership levels and gun homicides, and between gun ownership levels and gun suicides.

No type of weapon is explicitly prohibited, but licenses are granted only for a reason. All ammunition sales must be registered.Due to reserve military, many people have G3A3/G3A4.Subject to may issue police permit ("exemption") – private citizens only for collecting purposes, rarely issuedSpecial cases specified by penal code, include committing the crime of illicit firearm possession as part of organized group, in "bigger extent" (many firearms) or during state of war or other emergencyBolt-action rifles unlimited. Rifles chambered for certain cartridges with military origins are prohibited, such as .223/5.56 NATO and .50 BMG. Category B includes all assault type rifles, such as Air-guns including pistols are freely available to adults, as category D arms, provided that their energy level does not exceed 20 J (previously 10 J).Also freely available are category D defensive pepper sprays up to a maximum 75 g capacity. Firearms are prohibited for citizens. It governs the acquisition of arms, their introduction into Swiss territory, export, storage, possession, carrying, transport, and brokerage. "Gun laws" redirects here. Permits specify the purposes, categories and quantities of allowed guns; categories depend on permit type while quantities are assigned at the discretion of the police, based on documentation provided.

Fully automatic firearms are banned, but there are otherwise few restrictions: semi-automatics, handguns, and magazines of all sizes are legal, as are all types of ammunition. New cartridges can only be bought by turning in the empty shells.Firearms may be licensed to a citizen (or foreigner recommended by the Minister of Interior) who is at least 25 years old and fully capable of handling a weapon, with no criminal record, who is not a suspect or under police surveillance, and who has a source of income.In the Lebanese Republic, ownership of any firearm other than handguns, hunting arms or antiques is illegal and only the latter two are permitted to leave the owner's home. Transportation of unloaded firearms is allowed to and from approved shooting ranges or hunting grounds. This is illustrated by the Czech Republic's historical experience of firearm bans that happened only under Nazi and Communist dictatorships. Gun laws are often enacted with the intention of reducing the use of small arms in criminal activity, specifying weapons perceived as being capable of inflicting the greatest damage and those most-easily concealed, such as The legislation which restricts small arms may also restrict other weapons, such as explosives, crossbows, swords, Those laws might be classified by countries according to some specific common characteristics, according to following vocabulary: There are firearm license for private security for handguns and rifles. In order to obtain a weapon permit, citizens submit an application in the prescribed form, a certificate of completion of relevant courses, undergo a medical examination, an inspection of the internal affairs agencies and pass a test on the fundamentals of current legislation and rules for handling weapons and their application skills.Article 263 of the Ukrainian Criminal Code says that for illegal carrying, storing and selling firearms, explosives and ammunition a person faces from 3 to 7 years in prison.Weapon permits are not issued, and issued ones are canceled if there are:The list of diseases and physical defects, in the presence of which a weapon permit is not issued, is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. "Law Controlling Possession, Etc. Category A weapons typically require further exceptions to be granted for holders, except in the case of suppressors and suppressed weapons, which may be held by those with valid hunting licenses without an additional permit. The application acceptance rate is around 57% as of 2002.Firearms must be purchased through a licensed dealer and registered with ANMaC. Since then, Mexicans have the right to be armed only within their home and further utilization of this right is subject to Generally, where modern constitutions refer to arms at all, the purpose is "to allow the government to regulate their use or to compel military service, not to provide a right to bear them".Since inception through the Hussite revolution, the right to keep firearms endured for over half-millennia until the Nazi gun ban during the In the Czech Republic, every resident that meets conditions laid down in Act No. Another 34,000 Israelis own guns illegally due to their failure to renew their firearms license.A gun license expires after three years, after which license tests must be repeated.Japan has been described as the country with "perhaps the first ever gun buyback initiative" in 1685, and is the first nation to impose gun laws in the world;Each prefecture in the country, can operate a total of three gun shops. From there, the police has to be notified of new weapon purchases through an online form.

4) Payment of municipal matriculation and criminal background check; and, Fully automatic firearms and suppressors are prohibited for civilians.