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Wenn Sie PNEUMOVAX 23 kaufen möchten, wählen Sie bitte die gewünschte Menge aus und klicken Sie dann auf "in den Warenkorb". Pneumovax 23 (Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent) is a vaccine that helps protect against serious infection, such as ear infection, sinus infection, pneumonia, blood infection (), and meningitis (infection of the covering of the brain) due to the bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae.Pneumovax 23 vaccine is important for preventing infection in individuals at risk, …

Wie PNEUMOVAX 23 aussieht und Inhalt der Packung. It will not protect against diseases that are caused by bacteria types that are not in the vaccine.You should not get PNEUMOVAX 23 if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, had an allergic reaction to PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past, or are less than 2 years of age.Before getting PNEUMOVAX 23, tell your health care professional if you or your child are allergic to the vaccine, have heart or lung problems, have a fever, have immune problems, or are receiving radiation treatment or chemotherapy, are pregnant or breastfeeding.PNEUMOVAX 23 may not prevent pneumococcal meningitis in patients with leakage of spinal fluid caused by a cracked or injured skull or a medical operation.Talk to your health care professional if you plan to get ZOSTAVAXThe most common side effects of PNEUMOVAX 23 are: pain, warmth, soreness, redness, swelling, and hardening at the injection site, headache, weakness and feeling tired, and muscle pain. It will not protect against diseases that are caused by bacteria types that are not in the vaccine.You should not get PNEUMOVAX 23 if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, had an allergic reaction to PNEUMOVAX 23 in the past, or are less than 2 years of age.Before getting PNEUMOVAX 23, tell your health care professional if you or your child are allergic to the vaccine, have heart or lung problems, have a fever, have immune problems, or are receiving radiation treatment or chemotherapy, are pregnant or breastfeeding.PNEUMOVAX 23 may not prevent pneumococcal meningitis in patients with leakage of spinal fluid caused by a cracked or injured skull or a medical operation.Talk to your health care professional if you plan to get ZOSTAVAXThe most common side effects of PNEUMOVAX 23 are: pain, warmth, soreness, redness, swelling, and hardening at the injection site, headache, weakness and feeling tired, and muscle pain.
Eine Impfung von Säuglingen mit Pneumovax® 23 ist nicht möglich.

Solche Erkrankungen können für einige Risikogruppen, wie zum Beispiel für ältere Menschen, eine große Bedrohung darstellen.

PNEUMOVAX 23 is a vaccine that is given as a shot.

Säuglinge benötigen zudem einen sogenannten Konjugat-Impfstoff. Arzneimittel: PNEUMOVAX® 23 Injektionslösung in einer Fertigspritze Betroffene Abpackung: 1x1 Fertigspritze (PZN 10311304), 10x1 Fertigspritze (PZN 10311310) Zulassungsinhaber: MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH Meldung des Lieferengpasses: 12.03.2020 Letzte Meldung: 26.06.2020 Ende des Lieferengpasses: 1x1 Fertigspritze (PZN 10311304): Voraussichtlich Oktober 2020 wieder … * Verkaufspreis gemäß Lauer-Taxe; verbindlicher Abrechnungspreis nach der Großen Deutschen Spezialitätentaxe (sog. Do not administer PNEUMOVAX ® 23 (Pneumococcal Vaccine Polyvalent) to individuals with a history of a hypersensitivity reaction to any component of the vaccine..

Tell your health care professional if you or your child has a side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA.

Merck may be able to help.

Having trouble paying for your Merck vaccine? Visit PNEUMOVAX 23 is a vaccine that is given as a shot.

Wenn Sie PNEUMOVAX 23 kaufen möchten, wählen Sie bitte die gewünschte Menge aus und klicken Sie dann auf "in den Warenkorb". See our list of questions that can help with that conversation.PNEUMOVAX 23 may not protect everyone who gets it. PNEUMOVAX 23 ist zu verschiedenen Preisen in Abhängigkeit von Wirkstoffgehalt und Packungsgrößen erhältlich. Der Impfstoff ist in einer Packung mit 1 oder 10 Fertigspritzen ohne Kanüle erhältlich. Synflorix® ist ohnehin nur für Kinder zugelassen.

Lesen Sie, wer die Impfung gegen Pneumokokken erhalten sollte, wie oft geimpft wird und welche Nebenwirkungen dabei auftreten können.

All adults 65 years or older should receive 1 dose of PPSV23. - Pneumokokken-Infektion, zur Vorbeugung (mögliche Erkrankungen durch Pneumokokken z.B.