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Alaska of all these examples is maybe the most borderline broken ship, imho. Get Nevsky while it’s still new, or acquire a day one Petro for the New Bias (tm) (offer available while supplies last) ^ It does kinda make sense that WG is trying to win back some of thr lost customers by enticing them with some stronk national ships. Though they are kept in check by a few things like inconsistent accuracy even at short distances with abysmal shell flight times at long ranges , with below average speed (Massachussetts),  and her tankiness is more due to the heal than armor. Pennsylvania is in the game as Arizona. My brand new Al. The anti Russian bias amongst many players in this game is a form of ethnic hatred, which is extremely ugly at best, and actually criminal in many jurisdictions. Russian Bias Sign in to follow this . [RKLES] Nobody ever complained she was too much of a good deal rolled into one. So it is hardly surprising that a game based on naval combat would start with the USN and IJN; starting anywhere else would have just been silly. However,  It also has sufficient deck armor thickness to mitigate quite a bit of raw HE shell damage. When you compare that to the Pacific theatre, it becomes obvious that the war at sea was mostly in the Pacific. Well yeah, but that does not mean that we should have more Russian ships that IJN and USN ships NOW! Looking at the game itself, it is incredibly hard to understand the logic of those who rant and rave about the wicked Russian bias. I just think that when they had to come up with a mixture of pros and cons to design the new russian lines the combination of strengths synergized much better than anticipated in the right circumstances, and that some of the weaknesses they thought would keep the ships in check could be played around quite easily. Where Putin, need wodka!! It's more fun if I just suspend reality and enjoy it for what it is. I do find it a little disconcerting the amount of people that bring politics into balancing discussions about a fantasy arcade game. tanks etc. And by 5 I mean 5 political dissidents to be sent to the gulag Some armchair admirals don't understand that this arcade shooter video game isn't meant to be an accurate recreation of World War 2. KOTS lineup is indeed skewed, but it's rather a combination of unfortunate circumstances and meta state at this period of time. Make there be TWO nations instead of one. If that country didn't I would wonder.....WHY? You're going to get blasted to hell and back easily in those. Though they are kept in check by a few things like inconsistent accuracy even at short distances with abysmal shell flight times at long ranges , with below average speed (Massachussetts),  and her tankiness is more due to the heal than armor. Other than the cold war European destroyers getting better AA than WWII destroyers, the cold war ships in the game aren't consistently getting any advantages out of it. It's more fun if I just suspend reality and enjoy it for what it is. Russian bias is not really a thing in my opinion, as I don't believe the decision was made to make russian ships OP because they are russian. I can't wait for the Russian CV tech line to be released. Have an extra +1, for " Most Excellent Use of a Gif". Not just Fire damage, but raw, direct HE shell damage. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. And make all the Imperial Russian Navy ships encompassing only the WW1 destroyers, cruisers, and dreadnoughts, and pre-dreadnoughts. Abnormally accurate Secondaries, to boot. Secondaries are great, but they do little against anything with a bit of armor (even if you use IFHE you only get up to 25mm, compared to some KMS secondaries), relying mostly on fire chance. Since they can not completely redo those decisions and they have now the russian label, this is now 'russian bias', or at least how I see it. Since they can not completely redo those decisions and they have now the russian label, this is now 'russian bias', or at least how I see it. Anyhow, over the years, the Russian tank tree has been expanded greatly to cover all sorts of niches and roles, to the point where I even heard a rumor that you can pretty much cover all kinds of roles with Russian tanks alone... or so I heard. It makes a lot of sense too. You're out of your mind. It actually makes far more sense that there would be more IJN and  USN ships than Russian ships since they were the largest navies of WW2, historically speaking. The old developers have been sent to gulag, and new modelers have instituted the required historical Mother Russia superiority. The UK line has many cool gimmicks, as do the Germans. [WDS] These ships are very strong, but not broken. Certain demographics in the world have decided that Russians are sub humans, that ethnic hatred may be directed at them without moral penalties applying to the hater. WoWs - Dark . If I am a company and I neglect my citizens' needs, then I would be not better serving my community. Alaska's features and arrival were so widely celebrated that people got her in large numbers. But actually these Russian cruiser are serious underperformers. LOL, just kidding. Some armchair admirals don't understand that this arcade shooter video game isn't meant to be an accurate recreation of World War 2. You should have complied to the new guidelines, instead you persist in the old ways, your are so considered Enemy of the State and sent to Gulag for reeducation. Not gonna lie, these ships are strong and borderline OP. I will not voice my option but keep it to myself. Could you provide here your recommendations for the Moskva for modules and captain skills ? The only nation that I personally think suffers across the board is IJN.