The average match time at WrestleMania 30 was 17m 10s. Did Vince McMahon make the right or the wrong call? The "pre-match" includes video packages, entrances, ring introductions, and any verbal promos that occur right before a match officially begins. This is a great resource if you want to go back and watch some of his legendary matches.Here is a list of opponents that fell victim to the Undertakers Wrestlemania streak (21 straight wins)As we all know, Brock Lesnar ended the streak in shocking fashion. This edition also includes survival times for each of the 31 participants in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.The matches are in bold. This means that 51.0% of the show was devoted to in-ring action.The list above shows that this event featured 4 of the 22 longest matches in the history of The Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal included 31 participants. This could go down as one of the most shocking moments in WWE history. The matches are in bold. Here is the sorted list of match times for WrestleMania 30. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Here are the matches that took place after the streak:Let us know what your favorite match of the Undertakers Wrestlemania streak was. But this also includes other miscellaneous things such as Cole talking about New Orleans, commercials for Diet Dew and Totino's Pizza Rolls, backstage segments featuring WWE legends, plugs for PPV theme songs, a commercial for Here is a listing of how much total show time was allocated for each match when you add up all 3 components: pre-match time, match time, and post-match time.The 4 most hyped matches took up a total show time of 2h 45m 22s, which is 70.2% of the total show time.The remaining 3 undercard matches combined took up a total show time of 32m 35s, which is about 13.8% of the show.The opening segment with Hogan, Austin,and Rock was given more time on the show than any of those individual three undercard matches. 18: Ric Flair: 10-0: This was a no disqualification match. The "post-match" includes any celebrations, replays, angles, attacks, or promos that occur right after a match is finished.The pre-match segments combined for a total time of 51m 52s, which is 22.0% of the show.Here is the sorted list of pre-match segment time for all 7 matches:Three matches (Bryan vs Triple H, Cena vs Wyatt, Undertaker vs Lesnar) featured dedicated video packages as part of their pre-match segment. More than half of this time (19m 16s) was allocated to the opening segment featuring Hogan, Austin, and The Rock. Rumor Roundup: New WWE taping schedule & why, SummerSlam locale, hire from UFC, more!The latest rumors, including what caused the plan for Raw & SmackDown filming to change, how it changed, what talent are hearing about the next PPV happening outside, another noteworthy addition to the office, and more!NXT is using Pat McAfee to help turn Adam Cole, likely for much bigger things. The upper end of this list is chock-a-block with some of the greatest matches and events in WWE history. Here’s the complete list of matches for WrestleMania 36 this weekend, being broadcast on the WWE Network tonight and tomorrow at 7 p.m. And remember: the often-fantastic video packages the WWE creates before every match can get you caught up in a hurry.
To learn more or opt-out, read our Here is a breakdown of the WrestleMania 30 pay-per-view (PPV) with a detailed look at exactly how much time each match was given. The “pre-match” segments include video packages, entrances, ring introductions, and any verbal promos that occur right before a match officially begins. The Undertaker - WrestleMania 30.