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However, their luck ran out a short time later, as they were subjected to devastating torpedo attacks from the American destroyers deployed on both sides of their axis of advance. Glencannon PressNote: Task Group 34.5 in fact only finished off the straggling destroyer
A Japanese Cruiser, on horizon, straddles U.S. escort carrier with gunfire during Battle for Leyte Gulf. But Halsey had made a critical error, misinterpreting Kurita’s turn to the south as a withdrawal rather than a tactical retreat. CENTRAL FORCE HEAVILY DAMAGED ACCORDING TO STRIKE REPORTS.The words "with three groups" proved dangerously misleading. Als US-Schiffe am 17. On October 25, 2019, during the 75th anniversary of the battle, the Surigao City government and private partners opened the Battle of Surigao Strait Memorial overlooking the strait.This article is about the naval battle.

Kurita's battle report stated he had received a message indicating a group of American carriers was steaming north of him. Die japanische Marine hatte jede Befähigung eingebüßt, noch Einfluss auf den alliierten Vormarsch auszuüben; es reichte lediglich noch zu Selbstmordkommandos, wie es die Yamato am The ferocity of the American defense seemingly confirmed the Japanese assumption that they were engaging major fleet units rather than merely escort carriers and destroyers. But the biggest danger to the invasion would come not from aircraft, but from the cruisers and battleships of the Imperial Japanese Navy.The Imperial Japanese Navy (INJ) had carefully husbanded its surface strength during 1943 and 1944, avoiding engagements against superior U.S. forces.
Three of his heavy cruisers had been sunk, and the determined resistance had convinced him that persisting with his attack would only cause further Japanese losses. Thomas Kincaid’s Seventh Fleet covered the landings, with William Halsey’s Third Fleet offering distant cover.

Daneben kam die Idee auf, nur auf der Philippineninsel Die Eroberung diverser kleinerer Inseln im Seegebiet um die Philippinen und Die japanischen Seestreitkräfte waren aufgrund von Versorgungsengpässen beim Öl, die durch den alliierten U-Boot-Einsatz hervorgerufen wurden, zwischen dem Mutterland und Indonesien verteilt. The engagement that would become the Battle of Leyte Gulf began as Japanese forces advanced upon the island of Leyte. Senior officers in 7th Fleet (including Kinkaid and his staff) generally assumed Halsey was taking his three available carrier groups northwards (McCain's group, the strongest in 3rd Fleet, was still returning from the direction of Kurita's Center Force therefore emerged unopposed from San Bernardino Strait at 03:00 on 25 October and steamed southward along the coast of the island of Kurita, unaware that Ozawa's decoy plan had succeeded, assumed he had found a carrier group from Halsey's 3rd Fleet. Sie erzielten Torpedotreffer auf mehreren japanischen Kreuzern, von denen die Um 09:11 Uhr rief Kurita alle Einheiten zurück.

Thus ended the major action of the threefold Battle for Leyte Gulf. Oktober war er in Reichweite und ließ die ersten Angriffswellen von den Trägern starten.

Six of our ships had been sunk and thirteen damaged. Nach der vierten Angriffswelle waren alle vier japanischen Träger (Während Halseys Flotte nach Norden lief, konnte Kurita nun mit seinem dezimierten, aber immer noch kampfkräftigen Verband ungehindert durch die Spragues Schiffe begannen sich einzunebeln und hatten das Glück, von einer Regenwand zeitweilig verdeckt zu werden. On the evening of 24 October, Ozawa intercepted a (mistaken) American communication describing Kurita's withdrawal; he therefore began to withdraw, too. In the late afternoon, Kurita reversed course again, unbeknownst to the Americans, and continued towards Leyte. Tatsächlich dampfte Halsey mit allen Kräften nach Norden. At the mismatched Due to the long duration and size of the battle, accounts vary as to the losses that occurred as a part of the Battle of Leyte Gulf and losses that occurred shortly before and shortly after.

Video. Die missverständlich formulierten Funksprüche, mit denen diese Umgruppierung und der Abmarsch nach Norden an Admiral Nimitz nach Hawaii und an Admiral Kinkaid gemeldet wurden, ließen diese glauben, dass Halsey nur mit drei Trägergruppen nach Norden eilte, um die japanischen Träger abzufangen, und die Task Force 34, die Schlachtschiffe, zur Deckung der San-Bernardino-Straße zurückgeblieben sei. H-Gram Special … Spragues Zerstörer und Begleitzerstörer fuhren Torpedoangriffe, um die Japaner zu Ausweichmanövern zu zwingen, drei davon wurden dabei versenkt. The Battle of Leyte Gulf was the biggest and most multifaceted naval battle in history. Admiral While Formosa could also serve as a base for an invasion of The Seventh Fleet at this time contained units of the U.S. Navy and the Should we lose in the Philippines operations, even though the fleet should be left, the shipping lane to the south would be completely cut off so that the fleet, if it should come back to Japanese waters, could not obtain its fuel supply. Separating Musashi from the herd, the Americans hit her with some seventeen bombs and nineteen torpedoes. Musashi sank in the early evening of October 24. There would be no sense in saving the fleet at the expense of the loss of the Philippines. As the desperate surface action was coming to an end, Vice Admiral Ozawa's force was not located until 16:40 on 24 October, largely because Sherman's TG 38.3—which was the northernmost of Halsey's groups—was responsible for searches in this sector.

Seventh Fleet’s Bombardment and Fire-Support Group (battleships, cruisers, destroyers, and PT boats) in a tumultuous surface engagement on 24/25 October in the Battle of Surigao Strait as it attempted to force its way into Leyte Gulf from the south.

Oktober mit der Am 18.

At 14:15, Mitscher ordered DuBose to pursue the remnants of the Japanese Northern Force.