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These modifications reduced the night fighter's weight and improved its aerodynamics. It differed from the bomber in that its crew was reduced to three people and its fixed firepower was strengthened. All rights reserved. Jump to: 8.5 mm Steel - Dorsal gunner's plate 5. 5.7 / 5.0 / 5.3 БР. Hunt down its family with light fighters, your Dornier is supposed to climb until the Jelly Wellys have no place to hide.I found driving the DO's is like pointing a pencil while holding a string tied to the middle... it gets pointed the right way eventually, but takes a lot to get it there.I try not to dogfight with them, but squirt hot lead at little targets if I can line up without too much trouble. The planes that were modified in this way were designated Do 217 N-1/U1. There was an extra 1,160-litre fuel tank in the forward bomb bay, and the rear bay could hold eight 50 kg aerial bombs in suspension, if the aircraft was to be used as a "night hunter" to strike enemy airfields. Набор Hunter FGA.9. Some of them were subsequently converted to the Do 217 J-2 when a radar station was installed. 5.3 / 5.0 / 5.3 БР. 5 ранг Великобритании. This one is devasting like hell on any kind of plane. Dornier experimented with the Do 17 with an enlarged fuselage, more powerful engine and almost twice the bomb load of the original Do 17. 8.5 mm Steel - Fore-cockpit plate 2. If he tries to dive, follow him also. Jump to:

If you put one in a squad whereby the other individuals are flying fighters, once your squad-mates have cleared the skies, the Do 217 can act as the bomber hunter as the armament is more than enough to enable you to trade blows with the tail ends of bombers such as the B-25J. 50 mm Bulletproof Glass 4. I see that I hit him because I always use close up (RMB)... also my pilots vitality is 70 out of 100.

I had to reload 3 times before it went down... 70 % of rounds hit as I saw little pieces of the plane fall as rounds hit... How is that possible?also my fighters, mostly 109's, somehow look like paper planes... As i mentioned before I see when I hit because little pieces of the plane fall as rounds hit. se Armis ornare Legio Mortis [sAoLM] In addition to the Luftwaffe, Do 217 J-1s were also operated in Italy.

The defensive armament included two 13 mm Rheinmetall-Borsig MG 131 machine guns.

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Its high landing speed ruled out multiple airfields as options for the plane's base. You can achieve higher speeds and still manoeuvre better. The Do 217 J-1 has 4 low velocity MG FF/M cannons, which aren't even perfectly positioned in the nose.

Just like the Do 217 E-2, this plane was equipped with two BMW 801 ML fourteen-cylinder, air-cooled engines with a takeoff power of 1,580 hp. This aircraft was introduced into the game in Update 1.29.

The first prototype, the Do 217J V1, was converted from the Do 217 E-1 and underwent tests in late 1941. A Tier 6 aircraft, the Do-217 J-1 has an upfront cost of 50000.

The projection for the lower turret was then removed with the help of a long wooden fairing. Also after full upgrades have been done, here the same the final upgrade for the 20mm guns comes quite late, and the performance upgarde is massively.

СБ. It can function as a ground attack aircraft (strafing enemy ground targets and/or using the bombs that it can carry) or be used as an interceptor (in a primarily anti-bomber role).

If he tries to escape upwards, follow him. "Schräge Musik" literally means "oblique (or weird) music", which was a colloquial name for "abnormal" jazz in Germany of that period.

If you aim right you will scatter the pieces of a Beaufighter easily.