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He then carried out a final tour of the deck, telling crew members: "Now it's every man for himself." Strong of limb, intent of purpose, pure in character, dauntless as a sailor could be, he walked the deck of this majestic structure as master of her keel". This was the first crisis of his career, and he would have known that even if all the boats were fully occupied, more than a thousand people would remain on the ship as she went down, with little or no chance of survival.Just minutes before the ship started its final plunge, Smith was still busy releasing There are conflicting accounts of Smith's death. He became an apprentice on a clipper ship, the As the ships grew in size, so did the importance of Captain Smith.

Among the passengers, the veterans of the smoking room swore by him.

He served as commanding officer of numerous White Star Line vessels. He successfully commanded the Baltic, Adriatic and the Olympic. He successfully commanded the Edward John Smith was born on 27 January 1850 on Well Street, On 13 January 1887, Smith married Sarah Eleanor Pennington at Smith even became known as the "Millionaires' Captain".As one of the world's most experienced sea captains, Smith was called upon to take first command of the lead ship in a Despite the past trouble, Smith was again appointed to command the newest ship in the Olympic class when the RMS The first four days of the voyage passed without incident, but on 14 April 1912, Although the crew was thus aware of ice in the vicinity, they did not reduce the ship's speed, and continued to steam at 22 knots (41 km/h; 25 mph), only 2 knots (3.7 km/h; 2.3 mph) short of her maximum speed of 24 knots (44 km/h; 28 mph).The North Atlantic liners prioritised time-keeping above all other considerations, sticking rigidly to a schedule that would guarantee arrival at an advertised time. Edward John Smith, 62, was born at Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent in January 1850, the son of potter Edward Smith and Catherine Smith.

Edward John Smith was born in the landlocked town of Hanley, Stoke, England, at 51 Well Street on the January 27th, 1850, he was an only child.
Each new advancing type of ship built by his company was handed over to him as a reward for faithful services and as evidence of confidence in his skill.

He was the Little did Captain Smith know that his photograph would one day make the front pages of newspapers around the world.
Edward John Smith (January 27, 1850 - April 15, 1912) was an English naval reserve officer.

Edward John Smith was born on 27 January 1850 on Well Street, Hanley, Staffordshire, England to Edward Smith, a potter, and Catherine Hancock, born Marsh, who married on 2 August 1841 in Shelton, Staffordshire. He may have looked fearsome, but in truth he was soft-spoken, gentle and a leader in whom passengers and crews had great confidence. Earlier, at nightfall, the shutters on the Titanic‘s wheelhouse windows would have been raised, to keep the lights of the wheelhouse from interfering with the bridge officers’ night vision: Trimmer Hemming would have been unable to see Captain Smith had the captain indeed been inside the wheelhouse, awaiting his end".

Edward John Smith was born in Well Street, in Hanley, in 1850. It was widely believed that ice posed little risk; close calls were not uncommon, and even head-on collisions had not been disastrous.

Après avoir obtenu son brevet de capitaine au long cours, il entre au service de la White Star Line, prestigieuse compagnie britannique.

They had one daughter Helen Melville Smith born in Liverpool, England in 1898. As a boy, he owned a fighting cock named Big Red.

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