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Ernest Bowes-lyon,, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ...n Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Parker (born Bowes-lyon), Marjorie Effie Pinder (born Bowes-lyon), Ernestine Hester Maud Scott (born B... Oct 25 1885 - Drowned in the wreck of S.S. Sidon off Corunna, Spain. Access Rights: By using this website you consent to our use of cookies. The Geneanet family trees are powered by Geneweb 7.0. Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ...lyon, Dorothea Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Parker (born Bowes-lyon), Marjorie Effie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Bowes-lyon Frances BOWES est Associé-Gérant de la soci�t� FLAMANDS PARTNERSHIP situ�e LD FLAMANDS 97133 SAINT BARTHELEMY au capital : 1 678 000 €. Language: youtube.com; 2:36. People Projects Discussions Surnames 2:28 [Wikipedia] Thomas Lyon, 8th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. More Frances Dora Smith was born 29 July 1832 in London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom to Oswald Smith (1794-1863) and Henrietta Mildred Hodgson (1805-1891) and died 5 February 1922 in19 Hans Place, Chelsea, Greater London, England, United Kingdom of unspecified causes. Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ...Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Bellville (born Bowes-lyon Parker), Marjorie Effie Winter (born Bowes-lyon Roberts, Pinder), Erne... Ernest Bowes-Lyon, Isobel Hester Drummond (Bowes-Lyon) ...ert Ernest Bowes-Lyon, Dorothea Bowes-Lyon, Joan Bowes-Lyon (Parker), Marjorie Effie Bowes-Lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Drummond (Bowes-Lyon) Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ... Ernest Bowes-lyon, Dorothea Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Bowes-lyon, Marjorie Effie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Bowes-lyon Hon. Frances BOWES �volue dans le secteur : Location de terrains et d'autres biens immobiliers (Code APE 6820B). Relationship with Henri Frebault (Sosa/Ahnentafel #1)Relationship with Nina Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck (spouse) Deceased persons do not fall within the scope of these legal provisions. In accordance with the legal provisions, you can ask for the removal of your name and the name of your minor children. Mary Frances Bowes-Lyon 1883-1961 Married 14 July 1910 (Thursday), London, toSidney Herbert Buller-Fullerton-Elphinstone, lord Elphinstone 1869-1955 with. Hubert Bowes-lyon, Dorothea Bowes-lyon, Joan Bowes-lyon, Marjorie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Grant, 10th Baron De Longueuil (Bowes-lyon) Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ...-lyon, Dorothea Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Bowes-lyon, Marjorie Effie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Scott (born Bowes-lyon) Oct 28 1885 - Drowned in the wreck of S.S. Sidon off Corunna, Spain. Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Queen of the United Kingdom and Queen Mother. Mary Frances (Bowes-Lyon) Elphinstone 30 Aug 1883 Glamis Castle, Glamis, Angus, Scotland - 08 Feb 1961 managed by Jacqueline Cowie last edited 23 Jan 2018. L'effectif de cette soci�t� est N.C et le nombre de Dirigeant est de 1. Frances Bowes-Lyon, Countess Of Strathmore And Kinghorne - Résultats vidéo. Family Tree owner : Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ... Ernest Bowes-lyon, Dorothea Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Bowes-lyon, Marjorie Effie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Bowes-lyon Oct 28 1885 - Drowned in the wreck of S.S. Sidon off Corunna, Spain. Hon Ernest Bowes-lyon, Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ... Ernest Bowes-lyon, Dorothea Marion Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Bowes-lyon, Marjorie Effie Bowes-lyon, Ernestine Hester Maud Bowes-lyon Oct 25 1885 - Drowned in the wreck of S.S. Sidon off Corunna, Spain. Ernest Bowes-lyon, Lady Isobel Hester Bowes-lyon (born Drummond) ...rothea Bowes-lyon, Joan Isobel Margaret Parker (born Bowes-lyon), Marjorie Effie Walkden (born Bowes-lyon), Ernestine Hester Maud Bowes-lyon Hon.