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The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. in Vietnamese in Czech

From Learn more. Today their branch is importing gasoline and lubricant and serving costumers through

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Gas taxes are often Individual gas stations in the United States have little if any control over gasoline prices.Even with oil market fluctuations, prices for gasoline in the United States are among the lowest in the industrialized world; this is principally due to lower taxes. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples gasolinera… All rights reserved. in Turkish ガソリンスタンド…

The guy heads back up the road to try to reach the Since fuel sometimes spills on the ground, as little of it as possible should penetrate the soil.

Differences between British and American English: gas In the UK, gas usually refers to a clear substance like air that is burned to cook food or to heat your house: a gas boiler . This type of service is becoming uncommon in New Zealand, particularly Auckland. From 加油站… Gas is what we heat our houses with & it comes through gas pipes directly into the home.

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In Oregon, self-service stations may only be located in counties with a total populations of 40,000 or less, self service is still prohibited in larger counties.In addition, the ban on self-service gasoline is seen as part of Oregonian culture.

Customers at the supermarket will receive a discount voucher which offers discounted fuel at their forecourt. In Australia, a "servo" is commonly used to describe any facility where motorists can refuel their cars. From the Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Dictionary Newer stations may employ a single pipe for every dispenser. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. "The constitutionality of the self-service bans has been disputed. It was located on Ana Costa Avenue, in front of the beach, in a corner that is located by the Hotel Atlantico. Quilakwa Esso is owned by the Splatsin Indian Band. Further south of Auckland, many filling stations offer full service. Dictionary

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