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The website has also a photo gallery and gives you an overview of all aviation museums worldwide. L'équipage était composé d'un pilote, d'un co-pilote/navigateur, et de 2 opérateurs des systèmes de lutte ASM. The basic airframe would be adapted to create … - en avions de transport léger ou de tractage de cibles (US-2A/US-2B) The Navy’s Versatile Tracker Did It All, All Over The World, For 32 Very Hot Cold War Years. - en avions d'entrainement au vol sur bimoteur et d'entrainement à la lutte ASM (TS-2A) The web portal includes a comprehensive civil and military aircraft encyclopedia. The S2F-1 became the S-2A while the S2F-1T became the TS-2A and so on. The Grumman S-2 Tracker is a twin-engined four-seat anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft produced by the US-American manufacturer Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation.The S-2 Tracker was designated S2F until 1962. English: The Grumman S-2 Tracker was an anti-submarine aircraft, first designated S2F with the U.S. Navy (and with it U.S. Marine Corps) until 18 September 1962 when, with the introduction of the Tri-Service aircraft designation system, all Trackers in service were redesignated S-2. The Grumman S2F-1 (later S-2) Tracker entered United States Navy (USN) service with VS-26 Ready Squadron during February of 1954.Stoofs would go on to serve with the USN for 32 years, and are only now being replaced by some foreign operators today. The Grumman S-2 Tracker (S2F prior to 1962) was the first purpose-built, single airframe anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft to enter service with the United States Navy. Grumman S-2 Tracker (innan 1962 Grumman S2F Tracker) var ett amerikanskt ubåtsjaktflygplan konstruerat att operera från hangarfartyg.I amerikanska flottan ersattes Tracker av Lockheed S-3 Viking i mitten av 1970-talet. The S2F-3 became the S-2D, the S2F-3S was now the S-2E and the S2F-1S1 was the S-2F. The Grumman S-2 Tracker (S2F prior to 1962) was the first purpose-built, single airframe anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft to enter service with the United States Navy.Designed and initially built by Grumman, the Tracker was of conventional design — propeller-driven with twin radial engines, a high wing that could be folded for storage on aircraft carriers, and tricycle undercarriage. Reconnaissance models were noted for their use of "R" (RS-2C) and utility versions were given "U" (US-2C). The S-2 was licence-built for the Royal Canadian Navy by de Havilland Canada under the designation CS2F. Le Grumman S-2 Tracker (précédemment nommé S2F) fut le premier avion embarqué spécifiquement construit pour assurer de façon autonome la lutte anti-sous-marine (ASM) à entrer en service dans l'United States Navy.Il remplace l'AF-2 Guardian qui nécessitait une patrouille de 2 avions, l'un embarquant l'équipement de détection et l'autre emportant les armes. The website is currently in the process of optimizing and will have further functions added in order to improve the usability.© 2001 - 2019, Karsten Palt, Leipzig / Germany - All rights reserved It provides code tables for aerodromes, air operators including the world's major airlines and for ICAO and IATA codes for aircraft. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (En 1950, Grumman démarra le projet G-89 à la demande de l'US Navy qui souhaitait un nouvel avion embarqué de La première version S2F-1 entra en service en février 1954 au sein de la VS-26, avec des moteurs légèrement plus puissants et la dénomination officielle de "La seconde version S2F-2 disposait d'une soute ventrale agrandie pour permettre l'emport de charges nucléaires, et d'une dérive agrandie pour compenser les changements aérodynamiques induits. The S2F-1S was the S-2B and the S2F-2 was the S-2C.

Elle fut également produite par Sur ce total de 1284 exemplaires construits, environ 400 furent par la suite modifiés : Die Grumman S-2 Tracker (bis 1962 S2F) war ein flugzeugträgergestütztes U-Boot-Jagdflugzeug des US-amerikanischen Herstellers Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation Konstruktion. I början av 2010-talet var Brasiliens flygvapen, Argentinas marinflyg och Taiwans flotta de enda militära operatörerna som fortfarande hade Tracker i tjänst.