Henry Ford‘s company adapted Junkers’ sheet-metal designs for use in cars. But Hugo Junkers was not willing to sell this part of his company.Finally Junkers decided to sell the nucleus of the Junkers consortium, the Junkers + Co., to the Robert Bosch A.G. on On 8th November 1932 Hugo Junkers founded two patent offices as independent constructions. Hugo Junkers interesting facts, biography, family, updates, life, childhood facts, information and more:Hugo Junkers (3 February 1859 – 3 February 1935) was a German engineer and aircraft designer.
In May 1933 Hugo Junkers was set under partial arrest and he was not allowed to leave Dessau, while Laemmler was investigating against him. He has not shared about He's … He was forced out of his own company by the Nazi government in 1934 and died in 1935.We would like to express to you our deepest thanks for your contribution. Therefore the Reichsverkehrsministerium asked the Dessau court investigator Laemmler to accuse Hugo Junkers as a spy. As such he is generally credited with pioneering the design of all-metal airplanes and flying wings. Less known is, that Hugo Junkers also laid the foundation for the future rocket and jet engines.
Milch advised Laemmler to force Hugo Junkers to sell off the majority of his shares to the German government. Therefore, even if Hugo Junkers himself at least since the late twenties retreated from the detailled aircraft design work, he still influenced the developments and pushed his company into future trends of aircraft designs.Junkers himself headed for new areas.
Three days after Hitler took over political control in Germany, Hugo Junkers was asked by the German Defense Ministry to transfer his privately owned patent rights to the Junkers Flugzeugwerke AG. Officially it was announced, that Hugo Junkers retreated from the company as he personally preferred to provide more time for his personal researches.
In September 1934 he had to go to a hospital and following his recovery Junkers went to sanatory at Murnau.
The G38 and Jumo 204 developments were surely the most expensive ones. Discover the real story, facts, and details of Hugo Junkers. Junkers moved to his private home at Bayrischzell near Munich. One was Fokker, the other was Henschel Locomotives in Cassel. Hugo Junkers Biography - Books and Literature - Books listed here are mainly focused on the life of Hugo Junkers For general Junkers titles look at the General Section. In a first step Hugo Junkers was advised, that he had leave the city of Dessau on 3rd October 1933. He was the third out of seven sons of Louise Vierhaus and Heinrich Junkers. The new Bauhaus style tried to combinate artificial simplicity with new technological materials. In October 1934 he bought a house for his family at the Hindenburgstrasse 18 in Gauting, where Hugo Junkers and his family settled in December 1934.Officially the Nazi Government tried to hide the struggle between Junkers and the officials. In particular his multi-engined all-metal passenger- and freightplanes helped establish airlines in Germany as well as all over the world. As such he is generally credited with pioneering the design of all-metal airplanes and flying wings. But finally on In May 1932 two possible partners for Junkers were in discussion with the Reichsverkehrsministerium. All Junkers aircraft patents were taken over by As the salary of Junkers + Co. did not solve the complete financial situation of the Junkers consortium, further sales of Junkers companies were necessary. Although his name is also linked to some of the most successful German warplanes of the Second World War, Hugo Junkers himself had nothing to do with their development. Hugo Junkers did not agree to this request. German aviator and aircraft designer who implemented the use of metal fuselages in airplanes. He grew up in Rheydt, Germany. In 1928 Hugo Junkers was interested in setting up a commercial production of Bauhaus metal furnitures. His mother died, when Hugo Junkers was ten years old, in 1869.