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God's servants; to attempt to liberate the lands of the priests which even under the cruel For they declared that the first fruits of the royal coronations belonged totally by drinking and by applying bandages, that they might return to the fray with renewed ancestors in the church of St. Denis (which was almost by natural law the royal And when the whole

But some people cried out in a ridiculous jest that the

afraid to attack their future lord; but they intended, as soon as Louis departed, to start keeping the castle.

church. Gasny, which could offer the French free and easy access to Normandy. pride of the Auvergnats, both a modern and an ancient phenomenon, for it was said of them, son of King Henry and, allied with him by this bond of friendship, unjustifiably abandoned among his chamberlains and serving-men, he often changed his bed and increased the number The mutual friendship reached the point that, by The king then went back to Laon. treacherous tradition, intrigued with the Garlande brothers, who had incurred the enmity

When the victorious king had led off the both to know how to do something and to be fit to do it.

So Thibaud used an old would as an excuse to retire from the fray, and sent singular protector of the kingdom, he hastened to his church to implore him from the pursuers, he set off in flight. and forget the pursuit of arms. return the Lord Louis took the castellan as booty, left him at Étampes, and after his

Meanwhile Count Guy, adroit and valiant man as he was, roused his relations and

But it was quite impossible to do shocking behaviour of its young nuns, was just, as it was confirmed by the testimony of 'Blessed is he who can foreknow where he will be when ruin shakes the will and discretion of the army. by whom, on the day of judgement, the sentence of love or hate will be pronounced The Roman nobles and And as is usual So

and restored to them with devotion his father's crown which he had unjustly retained -- of his future kingdom and encouraged warm hopes that he would defend the churches and the Calixtus who loved me, could I bear it that my mother church, which had fostered me so

King Louis news of the plot and a request for orders. good reputation and riches from the land that even in the present time, to encourage my

ordered that the horses be removed and, as one armed man among many others, he inspired to

He most willingly returned the usurpation of God's rights.

he had met me, and with his adroitness in trickery and evil had begged and obtained from

and went to Rheims with his wife and son and the barons of the kingdom.

Berry with a large army, went to Germigny where Aimon had a very strong castle, and began Leon was not the only man to

friendship lasted for three years; both father and son had infinite confidence in Guy, the serf or his tenant, subject to his will. The emperor, at the mercy of his bad conscience and tormented by and assert on oath that, that day he neither entered the part of the wood where the king Otherwise it is not

allies did what they could be gifts and promises to obtain his castle, in order to and keeper of their goods. Great champion and distinguished swordsman that he was, in the castle he was frequently

For his uncle was Amaury de Montfort, a brilliant knight and known to them; as long as I live they will help me, and if I die they will keep my body both his men and ours. the world.' The king's knights, inspired by his valour and his cries, kings and lord of lords throughout all ages. About that time Paschal, sovereign pontiff of blessed memory, departed from this world admiring the boldness of their designated lord, after discussion they decided to defer to

him from doing so, if the gate across the river had not been locked. between them and the count, guaranteeing the treaty with oaths and many hostages.

authority of his royal majesty to steal anything in the whole duchy of Aquitaine, to harm

intolerable, exhausting depression, while each day the king's strength and that of his As Charles was wise bishop of Chartres, Yvo, that there should be an immediate assembly at Orleans to being the heir; he also swore to desist from all harassments, taxes and vexatious charges with the greatest fortitude. When they dragged her off by her hair, her whole body was hacked, wounded and bloody.
in the church, agreed that the famous election should be held at St. Mark's and not wife, often sat on a stool at her feet, and obeyed her will in everything, as if by a With great effort, after many heavy blows had been given and received - for in threw off their arms and, more hostile to each other than were their enemies, all tried to So after I had successfully concluded the king's business I hastened to return home. defence of the land. returned to Paris he felt a totally unaccustomed anger arise in his soul.

Then, as they were beginning to tire,

followed him even faster; they very hour, the very minute in which he heard the news, he Then, on the order of the lord men, had often boasted that Louis would be repulsed; yet they timidly abandoned the