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After, he joined his comrades in battling Kabuto's reincarnated shinobi. Das Bilderbuch, das Sai gezeichnet hat, erzählt die Geschichte zweier Shinobi, die sich auf jeder neuen Doppelseite des Buches einem neuen Feind stellen müssen. … Characters are ne... Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Persönlichkeit. He is usually seen carrying a small backpack with his brush, scrolls, and ninja ink in it.

As it showed a similar nature to the chakra of the rampages, Sai went to act. In Konoha bekommt ein Gewisser Sai eine neue Mission von Danzou.

Shin regenerated from the damage and Upon arriving at the battlefield, he apologised to Kakashi for their late arrival and later stood alongside the remaining members of the Later as the Ten-Tails matured and the Alliance launched a counter assault, Sai attempted to attack the Ten-Tails' body from above, avoiding its While the Allied Shinobi Forces and the deceased Hokage marvelled at the original Team 7's combined performance, Sai questioned Jūgo about Sasuke's true motives, to which he replied that even he himself didn't know.

They were also accompanied by Shikamaru, Lee, and their respective sons. Thankful that Sakura was all right, their attention is soon drawn to Shikamaru's predicament.


Irritated by Sai's reasons for bothering him, Sasuke attacked Sai, drawing the rest of the team to their location. Sai, however, truly had a change of heart, and instead, tried to capture Sasuke in order to protect his bond with Naruto.

Inojin tried to perform the technique on both of his parents, to no avail. Later with assistance from Kakashi and the other Konoha-nin, they discussed Kabuto's possible intentions. Later, he and Inojin entered an eating competition, which ultimately left them sick from overeating and disqualified. Sai had read somewhere in a book that giving somebody a nickname would bring you closer to that person and develop your friendship, this resulted in Sai hurting After spending more time with Team Kakashi, Sai comes to appreciate bonds, particularly the bond that exists between Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, though Sai would come to have serious doubts about Sasuke when he began to commit crimes on an international scale, which Naruto would suffer for, leading him to support assassinating Sasuke. Ultimately, the Fabrications were defeated by the combined effort of Konohamaru's students and Ōnoki, who passed away from the effort. Later, as Naruto began dating Hinata, he borrowed one of Sai's instruction books about relationships, particularly about dating protocol.Sai meets with an informant just outside of Konoha and sends him to investigate if some criminals listed in the Bingo Book are behind the two attacks. Later, the villagers supporting the Byakuya Gang began acting out against companies accused of corrupt actions. Before leaving, they were confronted by Team 7's fellow genin. "Sai" ist nur ein Deckname, den er während seiner Mission benutzt. Sai was called Sai Yamanaka in the novelisation of Boruto the Movie (and probably other places, but that was the first). Die Angriffseinheit wird von der dritten Division gerettetAls neue Gegner den Weg der Angriffseinheit kreuzen, wollen sie sich erst einmal zurückziehen, da sie geschwächt sind.

Sakura tends to his wound, but he is forced to wear an arm brace. Later, Sai discussed the future of Sumire with Naruto and Shikamaru.

He pays a lot of attention to detail, allowing him to quickly notice if something is not as it appears, as shown from how he easily sees through Yamato's tricks. The rest of his outfit consisted of a high-collared midriff shirt, black pants, shinobi sandals and gloves with his index and thumb fingers exposed, most likely to facilitate the use of his drawing based techniques. Sai was orphaned as a child and recruited into Root, a secret branch of the Anbu under the leadership of Danzō Shimura.

Later, Sai sees that the village is being attacked, and sneaks out of the hospital to help After he and the other Konoha-nin recuperated, he mistakenly got in between Sakura and Ino's bickering, and by being oblivious to the situation, repeated the names they yelled at each other thus getting himself punched by both of them. Shikamaru and Chōji realize that Sai did not want to leave Ino's side and begin discussing how much he has changed from the emotionless man they first met.

Comment. In doing so he discovered Sai's actual mission: to kill Sasuke as a traitor to Konoha. Sai joined his fellow ninja in working to pacify the situation. Some time later, Sai was officially made the sensei and squad captain to In the anime, Inojin approached his parents with a desire to master the Mind Body Switch Technique, believing he needed to become stronger. Das heißt, Fandom verdient eine Provision, wenn ihr über einen dieser Links etwas kauft. Gaara bedankt sich bei Naruto, für das, was er für ihn getan hat und schüttelt ihm die Hand. Having learned of their friends danger, they were determined to help and requested to join the Hokage. Sai organised the book so that his and Shin's portraits would be located at opposite ends of the book, and in the centre pages would be a picture of them holding hands. Several months later, Sai was tasked with escorted When Team 7 returned from a mission with a mysterious boy named Later, after the village was infiltrated and attacked by While reviewing the terms of Amado's asylum agreement, he raised the likelihood of Isshiki coming to Konoha to apply a new Kāma to Kawaki, so Sasuke was ordered to begin evacuation procedures for the civilians.

The real Sai, meanwhile, stopped Sakura from knocking him out and her other escorts, having suspected that she would try to get rid of them so she could fight Sasuke alone. This awareness spans beyond the trials of duty, as Sai was later quick to understand the nature of Naruto's inner suffering without Naruto even telling him.