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Its called WTR, warships-today-rating.
Веди в бой легендарные корабли, завоюй моря World of Warships. While this may not spell out every possible item to avoid, use common sense. Generate your personal banner with a picture of your favorite tank and own statistics and use it in your forums.

But many accounts do manage to accumulate so little stats that they do not manage to positively affect their win-rates in any measurable way.

This took several iterations of recalculating tankWN8 and playerWN8 until a balance was reached, and tankWN8/accountWN8 was about 1.15. Im not hiding mine because if I want to compare how I'm doing to other people so I can recognise where I'm rubbish and improve. We tried to come to a middle-ground for tanks that have been severely nerfed/buffed (like M48A1, AMX50B or T110E5) looking to get a wide representation of players that played the tank during different time periods, so that the value doesn’t simply represent the tank´s original or current most powerful state ( so that players who play it while better balanced do not get unfairly treated) or completely ignores it (so that players who played it while very powerful, and then never again, do not get unfair bonuses). With guns. I like being able to see where I'm good and where I'm not. Daily account updates for registered users - log in and associate your Wargaming account with your account in the Settings page. WN1-7 and Efficiency v1 and v2 were all formulas directly applied to WG’s web API released stats, they selected different weights for each value, and transformed them, to try to make a meaningful total rating value. No longer will averaging 1.7 kill/game (a good value in tier 10) at tier 1 make you appear good.

| I havent bothered to look into it, if it is any good. Being as good as I can be and "better than yesterday" is.

However the As the limit for "unicum" is WTR 1549, it means that on there are no unicums with more than 100 battles and only 3 of them if players with more than 25 battles are taken into account.All in all this indicates that there might be something wrong with either the WTR calculation (at least in case of Imp) or data issues on basically takes into account: Damage, kills and planes shot down (planes shot being imho a bit of "whatever..." indicator).You are having some great stats in the Imp., so it might be a good example of WTR not really being that accurate.- A whopping 4 players in addition have 1400-1500 WTRA situation is a bit different if player with more than 25 battles are taken into account as there are 13 players with 1500+ WTR. World of Warships is one of the most spectacular free online games. This conveniently also functions as a control against seal-clubbing your way into a high rating.

Do we want that in WoWs? The formula for calculating Personal Rating as of 8.11 is as follows: Welcome to, a World of Warships Statistics Tracker. However the As the limit for "unicum" is WTR 1549, it means that on there are no unicums with more than 100 battles and only 3 of them if players with more than 25 battles are taken into account.All in all this indicates that there might be something wrong with either the WTR calculation (at least in case of Imp) or data issues on, I campared a mid tier CV and a mid tier cruiser.that a underperforming high tier BB will have a worse rating that a good performing low tier BB is something different.But for WN8, kills, spotting and base defense is also important.For WTR, in a cruiser going back to kill the low HP DD in the base and win the game will give you a lower rating than staying on the front and do damage to the full HP BB.So the one who go back, reset and win the game is treated as a worse player than the one who spend the last minute to inflict as much damage as possible and lose the game.Both WTR and WN8 are class- and tier-neutral ratings.

Both WTR and WN8 are class- and tier-neutral ratings. Track your World of Tanks progress - with progression graphs, and at different time intervals. NO! World of Warships is a trademark of ... WN8 is a rating system from WoT generally used to rate player skill. Your score always depends on Have you considered that a vast number of people who play quite well are boycotting this pointless, toxic stat padders paradise ... By hiding their stats? Its vehicle based. But people who hide their stats are Unicums or terribad (so ppl say). Do we want that in WoWs? Examine and track your WoT progress over last time.

[BAD-A] Someone being better or worse than me isn't relevant. See the Fahrenheit/Celsius/Kelvin scale for a physical science’s reference, or the College Board’s SAT history for examples of scale evolution. In this subreddit we share World of Warships news, strategy, tips, discussions and other content, as well as sharing our passion for historical warships. The most often repeated advice in this game is “get your gun in the game and stay alive to keep it there”, and rSTATc values appear to support that advice.