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Airbus’ın gövdeyle bütünleşik bir kanat yapısına sahip olarak tasarladığı Maverick’in küçük ölçekli modeli tanıtıldı. Die Airbus Maveric sieht aus wie ein Stealth-Bomber, soll aber Passagiere transportieren 13.02.2020 - 18:50 Uhr Airbus macht 2019 knapp 1,4 Milliarden Euro Verlust

The rapid progress isn’t too surprising, as the design challenges of the blended-wing body are largely understood. A high ratio lets you minimize the the two big sources of drag, that made by producing lift and from the friction of the aircraft cutting through air.Reist says the blended-wing body has largely been considered optimal for aircraft carrying more than 400 passengers. Probably not.

We have enabled email notifications—you will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Its helicopters are in service across more than 150 countries worldwide, performing nearly every type of vertical flight task imaginable.

One unresolved question is whether such a plane would have windows or use video screens to give passengers a sense of their surroundings.Another issue that has dogged such experiments in the past is how to handle sensations of movement.Because passengers would be sitting further out from the center of the aircraft, compared to the classic ‘tube and wings’ model, they would move further when the aircraft turns. That’s Airbus is also considering alternative propulsion sources for the aircraft, But rethinking the commercial jet is not so simple. Uzun yıllardır alışık olduğumuz uçak modellerinden farklı olan Maverick’in diğer modellerden farkı ise gövde ile bütünleşik kanat yapısına sahip olması. Airbus launched the design program in 2017, and the Maveric, which is 6.5 feet long with a 10.5-foot wingspan, first took flight last year. If you don't see it please check your junk folder.The next issue of Posted Newsletter will soon be in your inbox.We encountered an issue signing you up. So for now, we’re stuck with the ol’ tubes and wings—but at least you can keep enjoying the view from the window seat.WIRED is where tomorrow is realized. Maverick Helicopters offers the most diverse and exhilarating aerial excursions over the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Maui and Kauai, Hawaii. In an industry where efficiency improvements generally come from tweaks to engine and aircraft design that provide 1 or 2 percent bumps, a 20 percent improvement would be massive. European planemaker Airbus says it is taking the last step to end 16 years of litigation with the United States at the World Trade Organization over subsidies. Stability is also an issue. Visit our © 2020 National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. The remotely piloted X-48 Hybrid Wing Body completed more than 100 flights before NASA and Boeing wrapped their joint project in 2012. Courtesy Airbus A Maveric-inspired passenger aircraft would give travellers added comfort thanks to its spacious cabin layout. Stay updated by visiting our website and social media channels– Unsurprisingly, it has given no timeline for any extended development or entry into service. The efficiency boost comes primarily from the higher proportion of surface area exposed to airflow, which aerodynamicists call the wetted area. Flight Mode | The Bunker-Like Vault Where Jet Engines Prove Their WorthBefore takeoff, jet engines must prove they're safe, reliable, and capable.

The plane is designed to reduce carbon emissions by about 20 per centSINGAPORE — Airbus on Tuesday unveiled a curvaceous aircraft design that blends wing and body, designed to slash carbon emissions by some 20 per cent.The European plane-maker has been carrying out flight tests of a 3.2-meter-wide (10.5 feet) technology demonstrator, code-named Maveric, at a secret location in central France since last year. Please try againPostmedia is committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion and encourage all readers to share their views on our articles.

After the engineers sign off on structure and efficiency, regulators, airlines, and others will want to evaluate the plane for everything from compatibility with existing airports to evacuation times to passenger acceptance.Airbus says the current demonstration program will end sometime this year, with a second round of studies to follow. “Without the horizontal and vertical tails that tube-and-wing aircraft have, maintaining a stable and controllable aircraft is much more challenging,” Reist says. We look forward to flying with you soon. The number one priority of Maverick Helicopters is the safety and wellbeing of our guests, pilots, and employees. MAVERIC stands for Model Aircraft for Validation and Experimentation of Robust Innovative Controls, according to Airbus. In episode two of WIRED's Flight Mode we step into the massive bunkers where engineers test and maintain these mighty beasts, all to keep you up in the air.The blended-wing body of Airbus' Maveric prototype could bring major efficiency benefits to commercial aviation. Codename Maveric: Airbus unveils curvaceous new aircraft design that blends wing and body The plane is designed to reduce carbon emissions by about 20 per cent Author of the article: Rival Boeing has put more weight on a potential cargo role.Sign up to receive the daily top stories from the National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc.There was an error, please provide a valid email address.A welcome email is on its way. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries.Airbus’ Maveric Brings B-2 Bomber Style to Passenger JetsStarting with the small-scale model Maveric, the planemaker says this new design could produce major efficiency gains. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.