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2017.08.16. zurückgeht.

The descendant of Atlas persists, and denies to the nymph her hoped-for joy.

Oil on oak panel.

HERMES & APHRODITE (Diodorus Siculus 4.6.5, Hyginus Fabulae 271, Ovid Metamorphoses 4.288, Cicero De Natura Deorum 3.21)

He, striking his body with his hands bent inwards, swiftly plunges into the stream, and throwing out his arms alternately, shines in the clear waters, just as if any one were to enclose ivory figures, or white lilies, within clear glass.

. … Jahrhundert v. Chr. Wo beginnt sie, wo endet sie?

‌Orpheus und die Frauen ‌Salmacis und Hermaphroditus ‌Unterrichtsverlauf ‌Einstieg: Song: „The Fountain of Salmacis“ (Genesis) ‌Geschlechterrollen: Charakteristika der Salmakis und des Jünglings ‌Lektüre: Hermaphroditus und Salmakis (Met., IV, 352-387)

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Alcithoe, one of the daughters of Minyas, begins:Thus in the excellent translation of Charles Martin published in 2005 and available I find that very literal translations can be the most helpful for examining Star Myths for the celestial clues that may have been included in the original but which may have been "lost in translation" if the translator does not pick them up and bring them across into the new language. vereint At a certain point, there is a "spiritual turn" at which we begin to have an awakening of awareness of our spiritual nature -- and I believe that this myth actually depicts that very point of awakening, when Salmacis sees the child of Hermes and Aphrodite and exclaims that he must be of divine origin, and that she must have him.The integration of the two natures is actually the point of this famous incident, I believe -- portrayed here in the frank sexual imagery sometimes employed in ancient myth, but actually using the sexes as a way of expressing spiritual concepts in allegorical or metaphorical form: to "clothe" the truths of the invisible reality in the physical forms of nature, to better convey them to our deeper understanding.As we begin to understand how to interpret the myths in the language which they are actually speaking, the language in which they actually ask us to listen to them, we can begin to hear a message that we might otherwise have totally missed.Each and every ancient myth is worthy of deep and careful contemplation, and the above explication of the myth of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus may serve as an example of the sort of examination and meditation we can profit by applying to the myths of the portions of the corpus of ancient wisdom which draws each of us most strongly (some will perhaps find themselves drawn to the myths of ancient Greece, others to the myths of ancient India or ancient Japan, or of the cultures spread across the vast Pacific, or the continents of Africa or Australia or the Americas, and so forth).In fact, the above discussion only barely ripples the surface (so to speak) of the deep pool of the fountain of Salmacis: one could meditate upon this tiny portion of the stories in Ovid's work, and in the wider context of the daughters of Minyas, for years on end and probably never exhaust the amazing lessons that it might hold for him or her.