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Brown's body was placed in a wooden coffin with the noose still around his neck. I would sooner take my gun and help drive you out of the country. Hochgeschwender: Der Amerikanische Bürgerkrieg. On October 16, 1859, Brown (leaving three men behind as a rear guard) led 18 men in an attack on the Initially, the raid went well, and they met no resistance entering the town. John Brown glaubte das nur ein bewaffneter Aufstand zum Erfolg führen könne. Brown sent his son Watson and another supporter out under a white flag, but the angry crowd shot them. The surrounding forces barraged the engine house, and the men inside fired back with occasional fury. in Finkelman, Paul, ed. Immediately after the raid, After the Civil War, Frederick Douglass wrote, "His zeal in the cause of my race was far greater than mine—it was as the burning sun to my taper light—mine was bounded by time, his stretched away to the boundless shores of eternity. A few minutes later, Oliver was dead. Morally speaking, it seems a part of the human light would put itself out, that the very notion of justice and injustice would hide itself in darkness, on that day where one would see the assassination of Emancipation by Liberty itself. At noon, a company of militia seized the bridge, blocking the only escape route. Ten of Brown's men were killed (including his sons Watson and Oliver). ... 343–45Louis A. DeCaro Jr., "Black People's Ally, White People's Bogeyman: A John Brown Story" in Andrew Taylor and Eldrid Herrington (editors), Russell Blake. "Many abolitionists in the North viewed Brown as a martyr, sacrificed for the sins of the nation. (See Over the course of the next few months, he traveled again through Ohio, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts to drum up more support for the cause. He was sentenced to be hanged in public on December 2. Brown's time in Springfield sowed the seeds for the future financial support he received from New England's great merchants, introduced him to nationally famous abolitionists like Douglass and Truth, and included the foundation of the League of Gileadites.After the Harpers Ferry raid, trial, and Brown's execution, Brown was linked forever to those events in Virginia, and to a lesser extent to his burial site in remote Brown and the free settlers were optimistic that they could bring Kansas into the union as a slavery-free state.Speaking of the threats that were supposedly the justification for the massacre, Free State leader When it is known that such threats were as plenty as blue-berries in June, on both sides, all over the Territory, and were regarded as of no more importance than the idle wind, this indictment will hardly justify midnight assassination of all pro-slavery men, whether making threats or not ... Had all men been killed in Kansas who indulged in such threats, there would have been none left to bury the dead.In the two years prior to the Pottawatomie Creek massacre, there had been eight killings in Kansas Territory attributable to slavery politics, but none in the vicinity of the massacre. However, the idea of maroon colonies of slaves is not an idea exclusive to the Caribbean region. Since the region was in the grips of virtual hysteria, most Northerners, including journalists, were run out of town, and it is unlikely any anti-slavery clergyman would have been safe, even if one were to have sought to visit Brown. John Brown, (born May 9, 1800, Torrington, Connecticut, U.S.—died December 2, 1859, Charles Town, Virginia [now in West Virginia]), militant American abolitionist whose raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now in West Virginia), in 1859 made him a martyr to the antislavery cause and was instrumental in heightening sectional animosities that led to the American Civil War (1861–65). The report, authored by chairman The investigation was performed in a tense environment in both houses of Congress. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002. p. 75Reynolds, David S. John Brown, abolitionist: the man who killed slavery, sparked the Civil War, and seeded civil rights. Reynolds, (2005); for historiography see Merrill D. Peterson,