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Open up a video on your phone. Click on it and select settings in the drop down menu. After this, you will never be bothered with AutoPlay pop-up window. Type in autoplay and click on the AutoPlay Settings option.
It will take you to the video player settings where you can switch off autoplay. Any video and let it start playing. While hardcore Google Chromebooks are an innovation that revolutionized laptops and made them simpler, cheaper and most importantly, a convenient choice for students. There you have available options: and . This guide will show you how to enable, disable, and customize AutoPlay in Windows 10.Go to and click on icon. is a registered trademark in the USA and other countries Click on it and select settings in the drop down menu. There are many devices for which you might want to set up AutoPlay option, but it is possible only through Contol Panel which enables the full control over audio CDs, Blu-ray discs and other.To open Control Panel, point the mouse to icon and hold right-click until the menu appears and then click on Control Panel. Let me know if this helps.Hi, I do not get a "settings" option when I click on the three dots on the playing video.Have you found a solution to this yet? The click the vertical 3 dots in the top right hand corner of the video screen and select settings in the drop down menu. near the bottom is Auto play.... choose never auto play videos.I still can't seem to resolve this, even after trying everything, it must autoplay regardless,No it really isnt autoplay regardless..... i have edited my first post as it wasnt clear you had to be on FB.... so hopefully this will work for you Tosh67 near the bottom is Auto play.... choose never auto play videos.I found the setting to switch the video autoplay in the gallery off but it still wont stop to autoplay the videos and it mutes the videos when it starts. At the top of the right panel, you will see , double-click on it and choose enabled.
You will see the vertical 3 dots up in the right hand corner of the videos screen. Also switch AutoPlay defaults for … Any video and let it start playing. Sipping a healthy smoothie, relaxing in the warm evening sun and reading a Building your own PC is such a fun and informative experience where you get to know a lot of things about the different parts of a Personal Computer. After this, you will never be bothered with AutoPlay pop-up window. You do not have permission to remove this product association. Under "Website permissions," click the Media autoplay settings link. I must say the settings for this phone are not very direct at all but I did find where to shut off video auto play. I even restarted my S9 but nothing works. The purpose of this feature is to discover disc or any type of storage inserted on your computer and ask you what action you want to perform on your files. For many users, this option is very annoying, but don’t worry, you can disable it with ease. Turn on or off AutoPlay in Settings.
Very pleased with phone but when I 1st set up I selected autoplay videos when going through the gallery, it slows down browsing a tad and plays vids when I'm not ready.
There are three choices to be selected for every single device: , , and . Click on “AutoPlay” on the left side, and switch on/off “Use AutoPlay for all media and devices.” With this switched off, you will never see the AutoPlay window pop up. Under the click on AutoPlay icon and check or uncheck the