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The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu Henry Bertram Hill “Hill has prepared an excellent translation of the more important parts of the Political Testament; his notes are clear, concise, informative, and accurate, and his short introduction will provide students who wish to delve into the French original with an indication of the road that is open to them. In addressing the intended recipient of his instruction, Richelieu gives an astonishingly frank account of the srengths, and more prominently the weaknesses, of the king he served. Cardinal Richelieu was a superb political strategist and statesman. A stern and regular use of punishments and rewards is recommended. What does Richelieu mean by the phrase “reason of state”? On foreign policy, Richelieu cautions against forming alliances for any objective too great for France to carry out herself, for fear lesser states may abandon the stronger power at the critical moment (100-101). Science Teacher and Lover of Essays.
A body which had eyes all over it would be monstrous, and in like fashion so would be a state if all its subjects were learned; one would find little obedience and an excess of pride and presumption. This is not to say that a few might be found so free of these faults as to make them admissible to public service. It only takes seconds!

Armand Jean du Plessis, vévoda de Richelieu, také známý pod svým titulem kardinál Richelieu (9. září 1585 Paříž – 4. prosince 1642) byl francouzský šlechtic, duchovní a státník, první ministr francouzského krále Ludvíka XIII. The Political Testament of Cardinal Richelieu: The Significant Chapters and Supporting Selections; Translated by Henry Bertram Hill 1964; Book; Published by: University of Wisconsin Press But it is true that their weakness denies them the masculine vigor necessary to public administration, and it is almost impossible for them to govern without a base exploitation of their sex, or without acts of injustice and cruelty arising from the disorderly ascendancy of their emotions.

He was consecrated as a bishop in 1607 and was appointed Foreign Secretary in 1616. v letech 1624–1642.Je obecně považován za jednoho z nejvýznamnějších francouzských politiků 17. století. Ace your next assignment with help from a professional writer.

It would, indeed, fill France with quibblers more suited to the ruination of good families and the upsetting of public order than to doing any good for the country. Hanover Historical Texts Project Scanned by Brian Cheek, Hanover College. He told Louis "there is nothing in nature less compatible with reason than emotion," and urged him to see that "to will firmly and to do what one wills are the same thing in a true prince," (72-73). Expert writers in all subject areas are available and will meet your assignment deadline.Your online site for school work help and homework help. Proofread and pages added by Jonathan Perry, March 2001. Cardinal Richelieu’s Political Testament. As a devout Catholic, Louis XIII was never known to have taken a mistress, a rarity in monarchs of his era, and was sometimes called Louis the Chaste for his fidelity to Professor Hill stated, "the most enduring single impression to be gained from the The Cardinal, intent on cajoling Louis XIII into proper kingly behavior, states that should rulers "are neglectful in establishing the reign of God, as well as of reason and justice," then "they will find themselves much more culpable than those who transgress the laws and commandments" in private life, teachimng that the iniquities of a king will "demand a special accounting" by "the King of Kings on Judgment Day," (126-127). The commerce of letters would drive out that of goods, from which the wealth of the state is derived. Yet, though "exempt… from the most conspicuous imperfections of princes" (47), Louis XIII is highly indecisive, prone to being completely upset by a slight turn of emotions, to the extent that he has become his own worst enemy, "an enemy which is all the more dangerous because it is internal and domestic," (Richelieu, 37).
Cardinal Armand Jean du Plessis, Duke of Richelieu, commonly referred to as Cardinal Richelieu, was a French clergyman and statesman. Richelieu viewed Louis XIII as an altogether too soft ruler, and pled to him that "The rod, which is the symbol of justice, ought never to be idle," lest offenders come to expect leniency in the future, and feel secure in offending again (87). Let us do your homework! Advising on the proper selection of royal councillors, Richelieu warns against those besotted with abstractive After remarking on the necessity of secrecy and diligence in government, Richelieu makes a strident case that women are, generally speaking, unsuited for government. Science, English, History, Civics, Art, Business, Law, Geography, all free!ATTENTION: Please help us feed and educate children by uploading your old homework! Maximes d'état, ou Testament politique d'Armand du Plessis, cardinal duc de Richelieu .. by Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, duc de, 1585-1642; Marin, François Louis Claude, 1721-1809; Saint-Pierre, Charles Irénée Castel de, 1658-1743 November 12, 1995. Let us do your homework! He remained in office until his death in … Cardinal Richelieu, Political Testament J.H. Distressed by his pious master's favoritism in appointments, he warns that kings "are responsible to God" when they make political appointments out of affection (105).