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Die Odyssey Klasse stellt eine der neueren Schiffsklassen der Sternenflotte dar.

Die Anlagen zur Wartung der Shuttles sind im Hauptshuttlehangar gelegen. The newly commissioned U.S.S. The Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser is Starfleet’s latest innovation in the super-capital line of starships. Looks like you are logging in with a new computer or browser. An email will not be created automatically. By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to use our cookies. The Odyssey class is well known for the Enterprise NCC-1701-F, which is a starship of that class. The switch from a terrestrial calendar to the stardates syst...

CBS Entertainment | This site and its contents ® & © 2020 CBS Studios Inc. © 2020 CBS Television Distribution and CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Endeavour Tactical Star Cruiser (T6 tactical Odyssey) : A2B Beams Disruptor [MoD] Am Heck der Antriebssektion ist eine Eskorte angedockt. Resistance is futile. Torpedos: 2 Werfer vorwärts, 2 Achtern, Bestückung 325 Photonentorpedos, 175 Quantentorpedos 2410: Bauarbeiten der Aussenhülle vollständig. Indienststellung beider Schiffe. It is designed to be a battleship and a long range explorer. I was hoping against hope that there would have been a different neck piece I could use when I customized the ship that would have been a solid design between the main and axillary hull, but alas, there wasn't. First conceptualized in 2404 by Commander Adam Ihle, the Odyssey-class was an extension of the Constitution-class design lineage of a large multirole cruiser. Reporter. Sie ist deutlich wendiger und taktisch besser ausgestattet als die Untertasse. Diese ist oben auf der Antriebssektion gelegen. It was designed to be a dreadnought and an explorer. You're using an unsupported web browser. Dazu gehören, neben den unten aufgelisteten, auch die Eigenschaft, ohne Zwischenstopps und "Nachtanken" im Raum operieren zu können. Die Arbeiten im inneren Dauern an. The Odyssey-class's unique split saucer pylon reduces subspace wake at higher warp speeds. sto_screen_entf_072511_01.jpg (40,9 KB, 45x aufgerufen) Geändert von Data (02.02.2012 um 23:12 Uhr) Grund: Neue Änderungen in den Stats... We are ( I am ) the 9Th Fleet. Benennung der Klasse in Odyssey Klasse, zu Ehren der USS Odyssey NCC 71832 Die Operationszeit ist allerdings in der Praxis durch 2 Faktoren beschränkt: Leistungsfähigkeit der Crew, bedeutet, dass die Mannschaft regelmässig rotiert.

We have verified that you have appropriate access to this account.Heads up, you are now leaving Arc Games! Es kann autark von der Mutterschiff operieren. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.Press J to jump to the feed.
However, she is slightly outclassed by the Fleet Gagarin these days, because of the latter's full Miracle Worker Spec which gives access to powerful MW abilities and a whole extra universal console slot.On point 1, I just stick with the "smol" bridge. Named after the U.S.S.
This plaque was located on the rear wall of the bridge. Anything bigger is comically humungous.On point 2, I think this is just down to preference in aesthetics. My personal Odyssey-Class nit-picks Finally got a T6 Odyssey the other day, the Endevor-class Tactical variant, courtesy of the Summer Event, and was really unsure if I would like it that much better than my Alliance Battlecruiser or T6 fleet Gagarin, but after running a few missions with her...yeah, oh yeah. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. BY The Odyssey Class of Federation starship, now under construction, will be the pinnacle of Federation starship design and will carry the Federation into a new generation of exploration in the 25th century. The winner was Adam Ihle , which was, quite frankly, the best-looking design out of the others that were submitted to Cryptic. Primäruniversum, STO-Realität. According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. Odyssey Class. In 2410 starfleet launched the T6 versions of it. Diese Klasse kann sowohl Kampfeinsätze, wie auch Forschungsmissionen wahrnehmen.

BY Star Trek Online / February 18, 2016 11:00 PM PST > As Star Trek Online’s submission to the pantheon of Enterprises, the Odyssey-class holds a very important position among the ships Cryptic has made. Die erreichte Geschwindigkeit liegt, nach der Standard Warp Skala berrechnet, bei circa (der theoretischen Stufe) Warp 34. And I like the Gagarin, but I'm honestly still trying to figure out how to spec these ships correctly.And ya, some of the bridges are so big when compared to what we've seen on the shows. The Odyssey-class U.S.S. Unless I'm using the small bridge configuration, I have to run around like a rat in a maze to find my Boffs. Granted, during normal play I dont really see it and I can just pretend it isn't there, but I just dont see the design choice there. Everything about it is beautiful. For your security, please verify your account prior to logging in. Die Untertasse selbst dient da am ehsten als eine Art Rettungsboot. Captains on all platforms can recruit the characters of Lower Decks to your Duty Officer rosters, for free, tomorrow!