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Feeling that he had been betrayed after learning the truth, Miller decided to oppose Big Boss and intended to aid his phantom and "sons" in bringing about his downfall. The Boss was Big Boss's mentor and mother figure. The first time, Chico managed to sell the Chrysalis photo to a magazine, which, along with other supposed evidence, convinced Prime Minister Gairy to request that the UN set up an agency to investigate UFOs, drawing the ire of the CIA whom considered assassinating him. You see, Ishmael is the real Big Boss.Venom Snake is simply the medic (the same one that performed the operation on Paz) after plastic surgery work was done to make him look like a perfect body double of Big Boss. Venom Snake continued to possess his unwavering loyalty to Big Boss, continuing his role as Big Boss even after being told the truth. Big Boss refused to acknowledge that Liquid and Solid Snake were his sons, describing them as "sicker" than cells grown in a lab. Contacting Zero, he explained that for Big Boss's safety, Miller had to stay away from Big Boss until the latter woke up from his coma.

Big Boss returns as the penultimate boss in the non-canonical NES sequel to In the original manual, Big Boss is stated to have lost his eye in the late 1980s, after which he retired from the front line to focus on military education and training. While in pain, he requested that Snake take him over to The Boss's grave, and assured him that the old FOXDIE mutation wouldn't cause an epidemic as the new strain would supplant it. One day, Big Boss and Ocelot would have to fight this oppression Zero had created. While Big Boss never physically appeared in the original Although the game depicts Big Boss wearing an eyepatch in Naked Son, the novelization for When Big Boss contacts Kazuhira Miller after escaping from the torture area, he briefly coughs violently due to the effects of the torture. When nearing Chico's cell, Miller radioed in telling him that they notified Amanda about Chico's current status, and expressed some disturbance regarding her oddly being elated about being "ready for the worst" regarding her brother. Snake saved Campbell's life when he had malaria and gave him advice about how it was okay to be scared, though Campbell misinterpreted this. Although its appearance suggested that it was self-inflicted, the scar was actually a fake, and was used to store a jigsaw on his person in case he needed it in an emergency situation. Turns out Kaz isn’t too cool with being lied to in the end, either.So, whenever the credits in the game tell you that you’re playing as Punished Venom Snake, they’re not lying; he’sThe Legend of Heroes: Hajimari no Kiseki Will Be Updated to Run on PS5; DLC Revealed with ScreenshotsFinal Fantasy XIV Update 5.3 Gets New Screenshots Showing New Features & ContentNintendo Announces Massive YoY Growth as Animal Crossing: New Horizon Ships 22.4 Million CopiesSquare Enix Announces Strong Financial Results Thanks to Final Fantasy VII Remake, XIV, & MoreNintendo Switch Has Shipped 61.44 Million Units; Switch Software Sales Surpass 3DSMetal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain – Who Ishmael Is After they both fired off their guns without killing each other, an amused Ocelot revealed that he had played a trick on Snake and that the bullet was a blank. The second time resulted in Solid Snake gaining information on TX-55 Metal Gear and ultimately destroying it, causing the loss of Outer Heaven, Big Boss's command of FOXHOUND and the death of his best friend and body double, Venom Snake.

Sit down, because this one might be a shock. To their shock, MSF learned that the hijacker was Paz (who was actually Snake and Miller eventually discovered Paz's tapes and diary left behind on Mother Base. The only other person that’s aware of Venom Snake not being Big Boss is Ocelot, who continued to monitor him in an attempt to see if he ultimately was the perfect double of Big Boss.

At first only trying to seduce Big Boss as part of her mission, EVA also came to love him and felt guilty when she was forced to steal the Philosopher's Legacy from him (which turned out to be a false copy). That Zero's last request was for Big Boss to be safe. Big Boss admitted sorrowfully that ever since the day he killed The Boss he was already dead.

Metal Gear D, el arma de disuasión de Zanzibar Land. From then on he adopted the use of an Perhaps the biggest effect had on Big Boss's personality was when he was forced to kill The Boss, who was akin to a mother figure to him, during Operation Snake Eater, an action that haunted him for the rest of his life. During this time, he returned to Vietnam to join an In late 1972, Big Boss was hired by the Colombian government to work with its army.

The real Big Boss is shown in MGS4: Guns of the Patriots, with no robo hand, scars or horn shrapnel. During the Peace Walker Incident, Big Boss lost some respect for The Boss due to believing that The Boss put down her gun and rejected everything in her life. Para-Medic and Big Boss met during the Virtuous Mission, having both served in the FOX unit at the time, and they got on fairly well. While facing The Sorrow, Naked Snake encounters the souls of all the soldiers that the player has killed during the game (if any), including the Cobra Unit members. Since the attack, Zero's speech and actions became unhinged, and Zero's new location was unknown, having used a blackout in New York to disrupt the transportation and information grids and had been covered up. Big Boss then confronted Snake in the underground base, appealing to the warrior within Snake that craved the world of perpetual warfare that he was trying to create.Big Boss attempted to gun down Snake, but ultimately fell to Snake's makeshift Sometime after his defeat in Zanzibar Land, Big Boss's body was recovered by the Patriots.