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World of Warships Commander skills Guide. Without it you’ll be frustrated not being able to fight back while on fire. However, if you find yourself not relying on smoke much there are better skills suited for destroyers and cruisers at this tier. Second-order skills have no significant impact on play.All Destroyers in World of Warships can be roughly divided into three categories: If you like using secondary weapons and build your captain out tailored to them then this is a must have.

First things first, here are a few suggestions: Go easy on level 4 skills. Even without the boost to a ship’s main guns it is usually still a great skill to pick.Best used on battleships for the added damage control party but also useful on other ship classes. The main kicker is the airspeed since it will hurt your damage potential for long trips back to your carrier.

Question. Only battleship captains would get any regular use out of this if you do want to select it. Without it you’ll be frustrated not being able to fight back while on fire. For cruisers with access to damage control party it is better to take another captain skill at this tier.Jack of all trades is useful to all ship types outside of aircraft carriers. Reducing the reload on all mounted consumables provides a sweeping boost to your survival in a fight. So far I have: Engine boost. Unfortunately there are better skills to choose for battleships at this level, but picking with skill could lead to some interesting matches.Most useful skill for a carrier at this captain skill level.

It is a double edge sword however since you can only target one enemy and secondaries won’t fire unless you are targeting a ship. Carriers however don’t benefit from it much since there are aircraft specific skills better suited for 1 skill point. Personally I think the reduction in range is to high to warrant it being used on torpedo bombers from carriers.

(+20% fire range of main guns 139mm or smaller and all secondary guns, +20% to AA defense firing range)Like basic firing training this skill is extremely useful and affects firing range instead of reload times.

Links to the Guides on Captain Skills for Battleships and Cruisers see at the foot of this page.

(+30% to armor penetration of HE shells, -3% to fire chance of HE shells)An interesting skill since it provides a huge boost to HE shell penetration at the cost of 3% fire chance. If an incoming shell has a 10% fire chance and you have this perk it will not reduce it to a 0% chance of fire. (-10% to torpedo reload, -20% to torpedo bomber service time)Great for anything with torpedoes or torpedo bombers. share pls them between Super Testers No problem. Need I say anymore? 2 Comments on World of Warships – New Captain Skill Tree.
If you are gonna move around the 18 captain, then universal, always in use skills like AR, Priority target, superintendant are good. The total amount of captain skill points a captain can have is 19 and any remaining experience turns into “elite xp” that can be used on other captains.Each captain skill in the images will have a color indicator stating as to whether or not the captain skill is useful on a ship class. From what I've gleamed from previous topics, videos, guides, etc.

(+5% to HP of carrier-based aircraft, -10% to servicing time of carrier-based aircraft)Great for aircraft carriers and nothing else.

Second-order skills have no significant impact on play.All Destroyers in World of Warships can be roughly divided into three categories: The only reason you can consider this skill is because it only costs 1 point. (-15% of time of repair, fire extinguishing, and recover from flooding)Basics of survivability is great at increasing your chances of surviving under a ton of fire.

You can also make an argument for some high tier carriers as well but other tier 4 skills are more useful. Even so you are better putting that point somewhere else. Otherwise you are better off picking a different 4 point captain skill. (-20% to torpedo bomber/dive bomber detectability, +75 HP when returning to carrier, and -30% to airspeed when returning to carrier)The negative side effects of this skill outweighs the bonus to keeping your strike aircraft unseen in my opinion.

The only reason you can consider this skill is because it only costs 1 point. Purchasing through affiliate links is an easy, painless way to help out your favorite bloggers. You can also make an argument for some high tier carriers as well but other tier 4 skills are more useful.

Take a close look at whether or not your main guns will receive a boost to the reload time before taking this skill. Getting bombarded non-stop in one run hard always hiding in smoke isnt that effective either I like the Carrier rework but favoring one Class too much I think. Pick it up if you have planes that can take use of this skill since at tier 2 there isn’t much for carriers. (+2.5 degrees/second for rotation on <139mm guns, +0.7 degrees/second for >139mm guns)Great skill for anything that isn’t an aircraft carrier. Cruisers also benefit enough to make this a good perk to have. ALL NATIONS (patch 0.6.0+) Commander skills - 32 special skill points, which will increase the combat efficiency of the ship.
While I personally wouldn’t use it there is a case for it being valuable if you manage your strike squadrons well enough not to be detected.

(+30% to armor penetration of HE shells, -3% to fire chance of HE shells)An interesting skill since it provides a huge boost to HE shell penetration at the cost of 3% fire chance.

For destroyers and light cruisers while this skill helps often times it won’t benefit you much. (-10% to torpedo reload, -20% to torpedo bomber service time)Great for anything with torpedoes or torpedo bombers.

(+10% to damage per second from bombers with rear tail-gunners)Another aircraft carrier related captain skill. Since Captain skills are broken down into endurance, attack, support, and versatility groups this guide will follow that basic structure.