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Search to provide an opportunity and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. opportunity, chance, break (informal), time, place, moment, window, occasion, look-in (informal) in the sense of possibility. Opportunity: a favorable combination of circumstances, time, and place.

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All she needed was an opening to show her capabilities. Ein anderes wort für opportunity: chance, opening, time, turn, hour | Collins Englischer Thesaurus. For over 20 years, Thesaurus.com has been helping millions of people improve their mastery of the English language and find the precise word with over 3 million synonyms and antonyms and the ability to filter search results by relevance, word length, and complexity. SINCE 1828.

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Find descriptive alternatives for opportunity. There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today.

opportunity Bedeutung, Definition opportunity: 1. an occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to…. Einloggen Wörterbuch. GAMES; BROWSE THESAURUS; WORD OF THE DAY ; WORDS AT PLAY. Wörterbuch All she needed was an opening to show her capabilities.There is still a possibility of unrest in the country.He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative.Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.the right or opportunity to do something in an agreed order or succession

Explore 'opportunity' in the dictionary Zusätzliche Synonyme. Klicken Sie auf die Pfeile, um die Übersetzungsrichtung zu ändern. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. Übersetzer . Find another word for opportunity. Thesaurus. Synonyms for opportunity at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. opportunity synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'opportunism',opportune',opposition',oppugn', definition. photo opportunity (photo opportunities plural) If a politician or other public figure arranges a photo opportunity, they invite the newspapers and television to photograph them doing something which they think will interest or impress the public. opportunity - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. 6 synonyms of opportunity from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 4 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ?

Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "opportunity" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen.

Create an account and sign in to access this FREE contentAll she needed was an opening to show her capabilities.There is still a possibility of unrest in the country.It is always an occasion for setting out government policy.Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.He believed in giving his staff scope for initiative. n-count Übersetzung Collins Wörterbuch Englisch Cobuild

Another word for occasion: time, moment, point, stage, incident | Collins English Thesaurus There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. Synonyme. Wörterbuch Grammatik Blog Schule Scrabble Thesaurus Übersetzer Quiz Mehr Ressourcen Mehr von Collins. Read our series of blogs to find out more.