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The starship that fires the SIF Inverter will suffer heavy hull damage, and then rapidly drain a massive amount of energy from its target's structural integrity field, while dealing catastrophic damage to the target's hull.This console provides as passive bonus to Hull Restoration skill and Maximum Hull Capacity.This console mod can only be equipped on Vorgon starships and you may only equip a single one of these consoles at a time.After achieving Level 5 in your Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser (T6), you will unlock the “S.I.F. Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] The Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser strikes a balance in the Vorgon fleets, balancing somewhere between the massive battle station of the Ryn'kodan and the sleek maneuverable strike ship of the Xyfius. Tractor Beam mines and BlackOpps mines do not get destroyed when the target dies and redirect to a new target. If you really want to be sneaky there are two types of nurse doffs and the ground nurse doffs work in space. With the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser around 150k to 200k DPS.
Still robust and utilitarian, the Ytijara is intended to give as good as it gets when properly outfitted. Personally for ease of use I just leave autofire on.The modulating mine builds up damage the longer its in space. Say a full team of Gamma Synergistic set for kinetic damage boost, strong grav wells and good timings.It’s great to be part of a community again after flying solo for so long.The competetive engines are a must kinda for the speed, and no way the cat1 from gamma rep is worth it over that. 3p DSC is kinda just really bad TBH(for kinetics, kinda similar to mines I run colony/comp engines (fortified)/delta core/comp shield (innervated)With mines speed and turn rate are unneeded. Still robust and utilitarian, the Ytijara is intended to give as good as it gets when properly outfitted.This starship features a Lieutenant Commander Universal/Temporal Operative Specialist seat.A starship equipped with this console is capable of generating a beam that will drain energy from a target's structural integrity field over time. Universe Class Heavy Dreadnought!! With the new Relocate Mine Power combined with the new trait Holographic Mirage Decoys I find the 3 competitive set is not that useful anymore. During Star Trek Online’s 2018 Summer Event you will be able to obtain Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2018) by participating in the “Flying High” event on a daily basis.These Prize Vouchers can be earned once per day, and used to complete an Event Reputation project to obtain the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]!This project requires 1000 Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2018). Over the past year we have seen a number of positive changes to mines so today I am going to take a look at the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser. Still robust and utilitarian, the Ytijara is intended to give as good as it gets when properly outfitted. The Ytijara class was a Vorgon starship class, a cruiser and tier 6 dreadnought cruiser in from the early 25th century. Those are average numbers so it is possible to get higher. Agreed, this is really cool as it’s something you don’t see done often. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsKnown sometimes as Warlord, Nebula Killer and coffee aficionadoCookies help us deliver our Services. Helm lay in a persuit course,, FULL REVERSE! While this Starship Trait is slotted, activating any Hull Healing Bridge Officer Ability will cause enemies within 3km to suffer radiation damage over time.
See what she can do under your command. Please check out our Still robust and utilitarian, the Ytijara is intended to give as good as it gets when properly outfitted. I was meh about a 5/3 dread cruiser, but I’m glad it’s going to be a bit of an oddball instead. To give an idea on DPS with the starting 10 seconds pre drop in a PUG group my Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser gets around 200 to 250k focused around mines. At the very least, the Ytijara-class Dreadnought has a hanger of Frigate class pets.
For PvP I fit both Black Ops and Web due to both having hold. Star Trek Online - Duration: 25:59. Not being far behind in usefulness is Holographic Mirage Decory trait which helps keep mines alive.If the Vorgon Crusier is not for you Escorts can fit an experimental Graviton Implosion ChargesThe Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser is a new high end mine layer, possibly the best mine layer in game at the time of writing.If you have any questions post in the comments below or send a message to @pottsey5gI am not sure what you mean by no competitive gear? I guess you could do something like that with the ship as it is now.. but again.. it would still perform better with a standard 4/4. Who doesn’t like a good explosion?
Saying that it might be worth using 2 DSC and 1 Innervated Shield for the best for both worlds.Cool build Pottsey. Perfect World Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Captains on all platforms can recruit the characters of Lower Decks to your Duty Officer rosters, for free, tomorrow! This table shows how the ship's hull strength scales at each level. Sto Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser. Constantly maintained DPS-builds: Most builds are based on a tactical captain, but they would be build in the same way for the other careers. The Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser also features a Vorgon Bridge. They work so much better than I imagined and cut through elite maps like buttah. Join The Fan Lab, a private Fandom research community for users in the US and UK where you will be asked to share your opinions on all things gaming and entertainment!